Olympic Sports Report


Students will work in groups of two and create a FIVE CARD PowerPoint presentation on an Olympic sport. Sports are first-come / first-served. To request the sport you wish to research, you must e-mail Mr. Brown. No two groups may do the same sport.

You must follow a standard format for your presentation:

CARD ONE:  Title card - Name of sport, names of students, and a drawing or photo.
CARD TWO:  Description of your sport, with a drawing or photo.
CARD THREE: Interesting facts or trivia about your sport, with a drawing or photo.
CARD FOUR: Venue (place) and dates for competition, with drawing or photo.
CARD FIVE: Bibliography - Web site title, URL, date. /  Book title, author, date, city.

Group presentation will be made in the computer lab, and will be grade based upon the following rubric:

Presentation format - following directions for all cards, with good navigation 40 points
Clarity - cards are easy to read for a large audience,  presentation is clear with loud voice 40 points
Spelling - five points off for each spelling error 20 points


Olympic Facts

Project page by Mr. Brown
Last update: March 15, 2004