Prizes for the largest Logo Pyramid!

    Mr. Brown went to the Dollar Store and spent a whopping $2.12 of his own money to buy two prizes for students who put together the largest Logo pyramids.

The prizes are:

Pick up sticks

    Both of these games originated in other cultures. Pick up sticks was played by the Native American Indians with straws and was passed on to English settlers back when the United States was still known as “the 13 colonies” .   Dominoes orignated in China, but there are variations of the game played all over the world. For more information about these games, you can visit these websites:

Channel Craft's Pick Up Sticks
Do a search for "pick up sticks" and you'll find hundreds of companies trying to sell you sticks! This website includes a brief historical introduction.

Rules: One player starts the game by holding all of the sticks in his hand and then letting them fall in a pile on a flat surface. It's a game of concentration where players take turns picking up one stick on the top, so as not to disturb the other sticks. If a player moves more than one stick, they forfeit their turn. Play continues until all of the sticks are picked up.

Dominoes - Online Guide
This site, by an English gentleman by the name of James Masters, is not a .com site, so he's not trying to sell you anything. It includes a comprehensive history, rules for playing many different variations of the game, as well as links to other sites, such as this Dutch site called the Dominoe Plaza, at

    Last math questions: how much tax did Mr. Brown pay for both games? What is the percentage sales tax paid on merchandise in the state of Pennsylvania?
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