St. Barnabas Mission
6006 West Girard Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19151

Mrs. Thorburn and Mrs. Straub
stand next to the welcome sign in the lobby of the misssion.

"St. Barnabas Mission of Episcopal Community Services, in West Philadelphia, provides emergency shelter to homeless women and their children. St. Barnabas offers programs and support to encourage families to move from homelessness to stability and off welfare to work."

Four pre-school children display books from their library at the mission.

Two photographs of the playground area at the mission.

Mrs. Thorburn and Mrs. Straub tour the mission study area.

The bedrooms can hold up to 3 adults and 5 children.

Here mothers and infant children enjoy lunch together.

The kitchen staff in the dining room are eager to accept donations of canned food, and prepared items, such as food from the Haverford School dining hall.

Mr. Brown, Mrs. Thorburn and Mrs. Straub met with officials at St. Barnabas. The three most important ways that Haverford School boys can help are:

1. Make friends, and share play time together.
2. Bring cans of food for the shelter.
3. Bring prepared food from our school dining hall.

Haverford School third grade students are planning a visit to St. Barnabas to meet children, play, and make friends!

Haverford School fifth grade students will work to collect cans for the shelter, as well as coordinate packing and donations on the first and third Friday of every month.

Project page by: Mr. Brown

Last updated: October 21, 2002