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The Funny Papers

Here are some funnies that I hope you enjoy!
Check back often because these change frequently.

        The Pope, on a visit to New York, is picked up at
        the airport by a limousine.  He looks at the
        beautiful car and says to the driver, "You know,
        they never let me drive around the Vatican.
        Would you please let me?"

        The driver is understandably hesitant and says,
        "I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm supposed to do

        But the Pope persists, "Please?"

        The driver finally lets up.  "Oh, all right, I
        can't really say no to the Pope.  And I guess God
        will be watching out for you."

        So the Pope takes the wheel, and boy, is he a speed demon!  He hits
        the gas and goes around 100 mph in a 45 zone.

        A policeman notices and pulls him over.  The cop walks up and asks the
        Pope to roll down the window.  Startled and surprised, the young
        officer asks the Pope to wait a minute.  He goes back to his patrol
        car and radios the chief...

        Cop: Chief, I have a problem.

        Chief: What sort of problem?

        Cop:  Well, you see, I stopped this Limo for driving way over the
        speed limit, but it's someone really important.  Chief:  Important
        like the mayor?

        Cop: No, no, much more important than that.

        Chief: Important like the governor?

        Cop: Wayyyyyy more important than that.

        Chief: Like the president?

        Cop: More.

        Chief: Who's more important than the president?

        Cop: I don't know, but he's got the Pope DRIVING for him!

        A young doctor moved out to a small community to replace a doctor
        who was retiring.  The older gent suggested the young one accompany
        him on his rounds so the community could become used to a new doctor.

        At the first house a woman complained, "I've been a little sick to my
        stomach."  The older doctor said, "Well, you've probably been
        overdoing the fresh fruit.  Why not cut back on the amount you've been
        eating and see if that does the trick?"

        As they left the younger man said, "You didn't even examine that
        woman.  How'd you come to your diagnosis so quickly?"

        "I didn't have to.  You noticed I dropped my stethoscope on the floor
        in there?  When I bent over to pick it up, I noticed a half dozen
        banana peels in the trash.  That was what was probably making her

        "Huh," the younger doctor said, "Pretty clever.  I think I'll try that
        at the next house."

        Arriving at the next house, they spent several minutes talking with an
        elderly woman.  She complained that she just didn't have the energy
        she once did.  "I'm feeling terribly run down lately."

        "You've probably been doing too much work for the church," the younger
        doctor told her.  Perhaps you should cut back a bit and see if that

        As they left, the elder doc said, "Your diagnosis is almost certainly
        correct, but how did you arrive at it?"

        "Well, just like you at the last house, I dropped my stethoscope.
        When I bent down to retrieve it, I noticed the preacher under the

        A man takes the day off work and decides to go out golfing.  He is on
        the second hole when he notices a frog sitting next to the green.  He
        thinks nothing of it and is about to shoot when he hears, Ribbit 9

        The man looks around and doesn't see anyone.  Again, he hears, "Ribbit
        9 Iron."  He looks at the frog and decides to prove the frog wrong,
        puts the club away, and grabs a 9 iron.

        Boom!  He hits it 10 inches from the cup.  He is shocked.  He says to
        the frog, "Wow that's amazing.  You must be a lucky frog, eh?

        The frog replies, "Ribbit Lucky frog."  The man decides to take the
        frog with him to the next hole.  "What do you think frog?"  the man
        asks.  "Ribbit 3 wood."

        The guy takes out a 3 wood and, Boom!  Hole in one.  The man is
        befuddled and doesn't know what to say.

        By the end of the day, the man golfed the best game of golf in his
        life and asks the frog, "OK where to next?"  The frog replies, "Ribbit
        Las Vegas.

        "They go to Las Vegas and the guy says, "OK frog, now what?"  The frog
        says, "Ribbit Roulette."

        Upon approaching the roulette table, The man asks, "What do you think
        I should bet?"  The frog replies, "Ribbit $3000, black 6."

        Now, this is a million-to-one shot to win, but after the golf game the
        man figures what the heck.  Boom!  Tons of cash comes sliding back
        across the table.

        The man takes his winnings and buys the best room in the hotel.  He
        sits the frog down and says, "Frog, I don't know how to repay you.
        You've won me all this money and I am forever grateful."  The frog
        replies, "Ribbit Kiss Me."

        He figures why not, since after all the frog did for him, he deserves

        With a kiss, the frog turns into a gorgeous 15-year-old girl.  "And
        that, your honor is how the girl ended up in my room.  So help me God
        or my name is not William Jefferson Clinton."

        A little guy gets on a plane and sits next to the window.

        A few minutes later, a big, heavy, strong mean-looking, hulking guy
        plops down in the seat next to him and immediately falls asleep.  The
        little guy starts to feel a little airsick, but he's afraid to wake
        the big guy up to ask if he can go to the bathroom.  He knows he can't
        climb over him, and so the little guy is sitting there, looking at the
        big guy, trying to decide what to do.

        Suddenly, the plane hits an air pocket and an uncontrollable wave a
        nausea passes through the little guy.  He can't hold it in any longer
        and throws up all over the big guy's chest.  About five minutes later
        the big guy wakes up, looks down, and sees the vomit all over him.

        "So," says the little guy, "are you feeling better now?"

        It was the first day of school and a new student, the son of a
        Japanese businessman, entered the fourth grade.  The teacher said,
        "Let's begin by Reviewing some American history.  Who said "Give me
        Liberty, or give me death?"  She saw a sea of blank faces, except for
        that of Suzuki, who had his hand up.  "Patrick Henry, 1775," "Very

        "Who said 'Government of the people, by the people, for the people
        shall not perish from the earth'"?  Again, no response except from
        Suzuki:  "Abraham Lincoln, 1863."

        The teacher snapped at the class, "Class, you should be ashamed.
        Suzuki, who is new to our country, knows more about its history than
        you do.

        She heard a loud whisper:  "Freakin' Japanese."  "Who said that?"  she
        demanded.  Suzuki put his hand up."Lee Iacocca, 1982,"

        At that point, a student in the back sighed, "I'm gonna puke."  The
        teacher glares and asks "All right!  Now who said that?"

        Again, Suzuki says "George Bush to Japanese Prime Minister, 1991.

        "Now furious, another student yells, "Oh yeah!  Suck this!"  Suzuki
        jumps out of his chair waving his hand and shouts to the teacher,
        "Bill Clinton, to Monica Lewinsky, 1997!"

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Last Updated: 25 February 2002 by Tim Kearby