Smith's K2 Double Wide (Far Left), Fetty's K2 Dart (Middle), Chad's Salomon 250 (Far Right).

Us at Snowshoe.

Us on the slope called Shay's Revenge; it was bad ass. The picture doesn't really show it all that well but, on the other side of us there is a stright drop off with moguls.

About Snowboarding

Above, to the LEFT is a picture of My board (K2 Double Wide 150), the board in the MIDDLE is Fetty's board (K2 Dart 155) and on the RIGHT is Chad's board (Salomon 250). I got the pictures from the K2 site and Chad got the picture of his board from the Salomon site. I've only had my board for about a year and I've only used it for two seasons. Our ski resort, Mad River, isn't the best but it's decent and relatively close. I'm by no means the best snowboarder there, but I have perfected two tricks - the frontside/backside 180. Me, Fetty and Chad can all do a 360 now, but I don't exactly have mine perfected. We also tried some new grabs this year: Indee grab (we could already do that), Method, tail, meloncholy and the hardest one; a nose grab. The 2000 season was pretty good this year but now we have to wait another year before we can go again. We did get to go to the SnowShoe Resort down in West Virgina which was fun except the damn snowboarding park was closed because it was solid ice.

My board is a K2 Double Wide 150. It's a good, reliable board and has good bend with it being a wood core. My Double Wide is made for people who have big feet (i.e. 11-13 size shoes). It's not my most favorite color in the world (purple) but it works and the price range was good enough for my parents. I also put a big wide scratch on it when I tried to jump a trash can at Mad River but, unfortunately I didn't quite clear the trash can and tapped the top of it and bent sideways in the air and hit my face on the ground. It hurt like a bitch but you know... at least I tried it.

One day Fetty, Chad, Mike Yotive, Josh Short and I were sitting in the lunch room and we were thinking. Short isn't a snowboarder so he wasn't in the conversation much and Mike just got a board and he'll probably go boarding with us this year. Anyways... since all of us saw the movie, "The Blair Witch Project" we decided to make something like that for snowboarding. Yes.. it may sound gay but we thought it sounded funny. It's going to be titled, "The Snowboarding Project", isn't that just a surprise? Anywho.. were not going to make it until the season starts and were not even sure if we are going to make it at all, it's just an idea right now. If we do make it, I'll see about putting it up on here to show you all.

There's not much else I can tell you all. All we talk bout at school is snowboarding and how much summer sucks. I'll tell you one thing... I HATE THE SUMMER. Later.

Click Here For The Snowboarding Project

Click the above link to learn more about me and my friends' attempt at making a snowboarding project with pictures and video. (Note- this section has pictures of me and my friends snowboarding and video). Please check this section out so you all can see pictures of me and my friends boarding.

Snowboarding Links

K2 Snowboards

SantaCruz Snowboards

Burton Snowboards

Limited Snowboards

Bastard Snowboards

Sims Snowboards

Oxygen Snowboards

World Industries

Belligerent Boards

Snowboarding Links Page

Snowboarding Eh! Links

Any Questions or Comments, please E-mail Me.

Chris Smith