Industrial Design

Product Design

I am currently studying an MA in Industrial Design at Manchester Metropolitan University. This is a follow up to my increasing interest in this area of study over the last few years. I initially studied a 3D Design course at Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic and have since worked in both industry and education since (see CV for details).


My area of study is the relationship between play, learning and design. I feel that many of todays high tech products leave many people befuddled and afraid to use them to their full potential. These expensive features then go to waste. How many of us have parents with flash videos that don't know how to really use them....? OK so they can record their favourite programme every now and again but do they really use it to it's full potential ....?


I firmly believe that the way to learn how to use a product is to use it, and the best way to want to use it is to feel happy experimenting with it and 'playing' with it. To achieve this then the person must feel happy that whatever they do is not going to break or damage the product in any way shape or form. The product must have both a visual appeal and a tactile appeal ..... it needs to say ' pick me up and play with me '. once in the hand it has to feel right so that you want to experiment with it in the secure knowledge that you will not damage it (unless you really try...!!!)


What do I want at the end of my two year course......?

I am looking towards a job in Industrial Design with the chance to use my discoveries in a real life design situation. A couple of years in the States would be nice .... near San Fransisco would be even nicer but I'm open to suggestions.


Long term plans......?

Possible to return to education after a good number of years in industry to teach a Design subject at degree level.

 Product Design Museum


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