This section is a kind of extended link page, which is a part of every respectable Web site :-) Here, I do not try to be comprehensive and provide any kind of information one may need. The stress is on the resources available directly and for free, without any annoying pop-up windows, too much advertizing and such. Of course, my personal interests will influence this link collection; however, if you have a URL to suggest, I am ready to include it in Free Web, provided it refers to something useful and free.

The list of main categories below is in no way fixed, and you may advice yet another section to open. Also any information about dead or redirected links will be appreaciated.

Free Web Sections

If you have enough time and will, here are a few entry points that could be used to search the Web for something free. On my personal opinion, such comprehensive link collections are most difficult to work with, and it may take a lot of time, to find something valuable. That is why a small site like the Free Web may be useful, since it's very selective and cuts off much of noise flooding the Internet.

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