John Granacki
Genius at Large
Problems Solved / Questions Answered
Basic Stuff: $5-$20
Humdingers: $20-$100
Real Toughies: $100 and up

Also: Artist, Engineer, Musician, Philosopher & Poet
specializing in:
Illustration, Mural Painting, & Graphic Design
Object Oriented Programming / 3D Graphics and Animation
Serenading on Sax & Vocals
Jousting with Windmills
Thinking Incredibly Deep Thoughts

Welcome!  to the cyberspace annex of John's private universe!

Many of my friends call me Don Quixote, proclaiming that I suffer from delusions of grandeur. Okay, I'll cop to that.  I am delusional, but I don't exactly suffer on account of it.  Furthermore, delusions notwithstanding, I think I possess a fair share of true grandeur as well!

An Artist, I've been told, is indeed a person most delusional.  To wit: one who sees that which is not really there. I say that an Artist sees and creates that which was not there--the ultimate example of a human being created in the image of God (who also wasn't there until created by human beings--what comes around, goes around, n'est ce pas?)

Enough of this psychobabble. If you really need and/or want to read and/or see more, then please peruse my Portfolio, Artist's Statement, and Exhibition History--or if you think you may have a real job for me, check out my Resume!