"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it." - George Moore
Getting Around -
Being a Westerner, globally speaking, I learned at a young age to employ the magical skill of reading from left to right. As such, I employ other lesser skills (in this case, web page design) in that same fashion. You'll see the order of importance as left to right, top to bottom. Other topics, though relegated to a lower, "righter" position, still provide much joy to me. Peruse the topics as you will and I hope that you find something of interest.

With Style -
This is my first foray into the world of cascading style sheets. From time to time the entire look of this site will change while the content stays much the same. I hope for this to be done with little actual editing of the html code and most editing occurring in the style sheet. For now, I'll try to get this style fully functional. For a look at CSS from those more skilled than me, check out CSS Zen Garden. Do enjoy!

At Home -
There are any number of quotations and adages touting the importance of "home." I'll forego the cliche and say, simply, that home is very dear to me. It was at home where I first heard and saw examples of the Christian faith that has come to hold the place of prominence in my life. My family, both of orientation and procreation are permanently linked to home wherever that may be.

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