
Just a line to say I'm living
That I'm not among the dead
Though I'm getting more forgetful
And mixed up in my head.
I've got used to my arthritis
To my dentures I'm resigned
I can manage my bi-focals
But, oh God, I miss my mind!
Sometimes I can't remember
When I'm standing by the stairs
If I should be going up for something
Or if I've just come down from there.
And before the fridge so often
My mind is filled with doubt
Now did I put some food away
Or come to take it out?
Sometimes when it's night-time
With my nightcap on my head
I don't know if I'm retiring
Or just getting out of bed.
If it's not my turn to write dear
I hope you won't get sore
I think I may have written
And don't want to be a bore.
So remember, I do love you
And wished that you lived near
But now it's time to mail this
And say good-bye, my dear.
At last I stood beside the mailbox
My face it sure turned red
Instead of mailing this to you
I opened it instead.

Author unknown.
To His Beloved (The church)

You have opened to me
bidden me to dwell within
As I said, I will be
To follow me always
Always will be a choice
Harken to still small voice
Not to go a lonesome way.
For others will bid
Request a cost that's less to give
Follow not; your soul to rid
Thoughts to leave my way to live.
I promised not a path of ease
Son and I viewed the loss
Jesus suffered on his knees
Then left his life upon a cross
Harken not, just in fellowship dear
Seek my face, look on it clear
While traveling on your way
In with tasks every day.

July 1985


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