Stuff about Me


Hi. I am a 4 foot tall midget from Paris. I  dress in Armani and work for Mr, Rorke on Fantasy Island
My ICQ nickname is Spoogol and you can email me at

My hobbies and interests include learning to play the trupmet gambling, and I am a sucker for a good scam.
I tried to ride a bike once, but I almost got eaten by the dog next door. Sometimes I feel like I am 6 foot tall, thats when I wear a 24 inch platforms, it gives me a high. literally

My friends are Piotr, Nathan and Dave. They have website in this crappy web ring too.

Along time ago I left my family back in Paris to go to Fantasy Island and perform miracles to people that come here without using magic, like the Imo new series with the guy that has the grey hair and the chick that can change her body around.

