From May 21, till May 24, a ANPEDs Annual General Meeting took place in Sofia. Together with the AGM, a serial of workshops has been organized in aim to educate and build up participants' capacities as well as to share mutual experiences on particular topics. There were 63 participants present from 23 countries all over the world ( but mostly from Europe ) what gives significant meaning to the conference.


1.   The goals were to participate workshops in aim to build up our capacities, to share our skills and to present our work. Also, regarding the preparations for the Aarhus conference and the process "Environment for Europe", the GREEN TABLE was to present its particular involvement and to participate in definining the mutual stand of the ANPED network members for the Conference in Denmark. The final goal was to participate to the Annual General Meeting of the ANPED network and to commit GREEN TABLE more intense in its activities. The goals were fully achieved.

          GREEN TABLE has displayed, together with other NGOs, our poster with brief introduction to our activities and plans;

          GREEN TABLE has distributed our leaflet that has been produced for the meeting particularly;

          I was participating numerous workshops on LA21, ANPEDs role, WTO, MAI, CSD and Environment for Europe process;

          GREEN TABLE was participating AGM and I was asked to apply for the ANPED International Board member.

          As a member of the "drafting group" for the formalization the European ECO forum and the member of Climate and Energy Issue Group, GREEN TABLE was actively involved in preparation for the further collaboration between ANPED and EEF as well as in defining the stand of the ANPEDs members for the Aarhus Conference. 



2.   The meeting and the AGM were targeted to the European NGOs and most of the countries from CEE and NIS were present with their NGO representatives. However, presence of the Western European NGO was insufficient. 



3.   Annual General Meeting was to define future policy of ANPED network and to confirm Board members and their mandates. It was decided to extend the number of the Board members to 10 persones and I was asked to apply for the post. The decision will be made on the next Board session. There have also been few presentations on successful projects in NIS countries and from Bulgaria and Hungary.  GREEN TABLE has presented a video material on Yugoslavian NGO Community that will be also prepared and readapted for the Aarhus conference. 



4.   The follow up should assume a booklet on basic skills of LA21: how to start, where to begin and how to implement. This booklet will be produced in few European languages and we will translate it to Serbian, once we receive it. We committed ourselves to support collaboration between ANPED and EEF in future. Also, we are planning to involve GREEN TABLE into the LA21 programs. The GREEN TABLE is preparing a participation to the NGO parallel conference to Fourth Ministerial Conference of Environment.  Participation will assume also a video presentation and ( if possible ) organization of the round table on "NGO and media - Informational Environment". We will participate further ANPED activities of sustainable development as well as transferring adopted knowledge to the others in aim to enable development of modern, democratic society. The overall conclusion of the meeting is that NGOs do have important role for the social development, in all its aspects, and very much in environment protection. In spite of failures or insufficient understanding or support, there are many good practice examples that shows the proper way how to cooperate with all community stake holders. In such way NGO should be progressive initial force for implementing projects of common benefit. ANPED, as an NGO network, will support and help local projects on sustainable development and environmental programs. ANPED will also obtain transfer of knowledge and connection with other nets and organization that work on common issues. 



5.   Our cooperation is excellent and mutually satisfactory. 



6.   We will place our efforts to produce and implement further projects on generating and maintaining local network, sustainable development, media and NGO projects and renewable energy programs. However, we will try to involve ourselves in other areas as well, upon growth of our capacities.  

            Organization of the meeting was very good, facilities of the hotel also. Local NGOs made a great effort, together with ANPED, to organize and maintain the conference.  


                                                 GREEN TABLE