TABLE is an independent NGO that has the task to study and protect existing human
environmental values but also to explore and set up new ones, particularly in the field of
urban ecology.
TABLE leans on concept of Environmental Micro structures or Environmental Cells
TABLE operates as round table and open forum where experts from various areas of human
deeds create, by consensus, to the most efficient and of the highest quality solutions
compatible with Environmental Friendly approach.
TABLE is a place to discuss and is a link between NGOs and governmental institutions
inland and abroad in aim to put in life principles and standards of contemporary
experiences from Environmental Protection and Care programs.
TABLE will set up a NGO Environmental Net and wide data bank that will make it
multileveled information point (YUNEM - YUgoslavian Nongovernmental EnironMental Net) that
is to establish GREEN TABLE as a multidisciplinary point for multilateral collaboration
and information, but also as a source of new tendencies in environmental protection and
development in the area of FR Yugoslavia. GREEN TABLE has 21 individual and 18 full + 7
non decision making NGO members, at the moment.
TABLE has its own workshops and projects but also helps the others in realization of
particular projects that will need cooperation of other participants, NGOs, international
organizations, subcontractors, experts and funds in aim to inform and educate, on the best
possible way, target users and those that serve the users.