Eastern Amateur Radio Society is an American Radio Relay League Affiliate.

Our part of the world

We are located in Richmond, Kentucky, about the middle of the state just south of Lexington along Interstate 75. This area of Kentucky is known as the central blugrass area. It is well known for its scenic beauty, thoroughbred horses, and of historical interest as well. Daniel Boone brought many that settled here in Madison County Kentucky at Boonesboro. Now a Kentucky State Park available for those that like camping and to visit the old way of life. Kentucky also is the only state that provided two presidents to this country at the same time. Both Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis were born here.

 Contact us KE4YVD

156 Norton Drive, Richmond, KY 40475

 EARS Officers

President : Mark Tussey, WT4KY

Vice President: Darrel Jordan, KG4AOF

Secretary/Treasurer: Terry Holman, AC4PY


Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Madison County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) on Keenland Drive. Anyone interested in amateur radio is welcome to come and check out our lively bunch.

Club Repeater

Our club operates an open repeater located atop Commonwealth Hall on the Eastern Kentucky University Campus. It can be found at 145.370 (- offset/ without pl tone). Features available to club members include an autopatch and speed dial numbers. Emergency communications nets are held on a second repeater in Richmond on 146.865(+ offset with a pl tone of 192.8). Emergency preparedness nets are held on each Monday evening at 7:00 PM and are open to the public.

FCC Exams (W5YI Format)

Our local Contact VE is Terry Holman, AC4PY. The standard schedule is the third Saturday in January, April, July, and October. Test sessions are held at 10:00 A.M . Please call for the test location and directions. Terry would like to have any individuals interested in testing to pre-register if possible. Walk-ins are always welcome too! Contact Terry at 606/623-1711.
