How Do I Become a Zoo Habitat-Maker?

Intended Grade Level: 3-5
Your mission is to relocate a plant or animal to the North Carolina Zoo in the Piedmont Region of North Carolina. As habitat specialists, you must create a habitat that will allow your organism to survive.
The Task
Your group will:
  1. Create an online research journal (with bibliography) to share your findings.
    Contact the webmaster at Chatham County Schools for access! (One access id per school: Give your school name, teachers, grades involved, telephone number, timeline for use)
  2. Present your planned habitat (diorama, 3D model, Hyperstudio stack, diagram, etc.)
  3. Use a world map to identify the locations of both the natural and planned habitats. Label on a large class map for classroom display.
  4. Write a story about a problem that you solved during your project.
  5. Make a fact sheet about the organism.
The Process
  • Step 1 -- Choose a plant/animal that is not indigenous to the Piedmont Region of North Carolina.
  • Step 2 -- Look for information on websites and other reference resources. As you find facts, record information in a personal journal.
  • Step 3 -- Share the information in your personal journal with your fellow specialists. Add important facts to the online research form.
  • Step 4 -- Using an appropriate map, find and mark the locations of both your planned site and the natural habitat. Then, label this information on the classroom map.
  • Step 5 -- Create a storyboard to plan your habitat presentation. Possible storyboard outline
    More about Storyboards
  • Step 6 -- Construct a model of your planned habitat and create the fact sheet. (handout)
  • Step 8 -- Write your story.
  • Step 9 -- Present your planned habitat to others.


While completing this Webquest, you have created a habitat for an organism that is not indigenous to the NC Zoo area. Now, using your specialist knowledge, tell what you have learned about the needs of relocated plants and animals?

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animated.gif (c) Kitty Roach
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