
*Great beauty, great strength, and great riches
are really and truly of no great use;
a right heart exceeds all.*

*Sometimes I wake up crying at night
and sometimes I scream out your name.
What right does she have to take you away
when for so long you were mine.*

*I've learned that you cannot make someone love you.
All you can do is be someone who can be loved.
The rest is up to them.*

*I’ll procrastinate tomorrow*.

*Shoot for the moon, and if you miss,
you will still be among the stars.*

*I know I shouldn’t love you,
I know I shouldn’t care,
I know I shouldn’t live my life w
ishing you were there. 
I know I shouldn’t wonder
where you are or what you do,
I'm sorry I can't help myself,
I’m in love with you.*

*If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it.
It is much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.*

*He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things he has not,
but rejoices for those which he has.*

*...and in the mirror all I saw was that I never measured up,
I couldn't like myself so how could I understand your love,
and I thought love was something bought,
by being someone I was not. 
How could I know all you 'd ask is that I let you love me.*

*When I die, I wish to comeback as one of her tears.
What man would be so lucky
as to have been conceived in her heart,
born in her eyes,
live on her cheeks,
and die at her lips.*

*Giving someone all your love
is never an assurance that they'll love you back! 
Don't expect love in return;
just wait for it to grow in their heart
but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours.*

*Time is a great teacher,
but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.*

*When I first saw you,
I was afraid to talk to you.
When I talked to you,
I was afraid to like you.
When I liked you,
I was afraid to love you,
And now that I love you,
I'm afraid to lose you.*

*Yesterday is history,
tomorrow is the future,
but today is a gift.
That's why it's called the present.
Don't take a moment for granted*

*Sometimes love hurts,
but if it doesn't hurt,
then it isn't love.
Hold onto the person you love
before they slip away,
or else you can never get them back.*

*I was born when you kissed me
and I died when you left me,
but I lived for the months you loved me.*

*There is only one wish on my mind.
That when this day is through,
I hope to find that tomorrow will be just the same
for you and me
And all I need will be mine and with me.
Just as long as you are here.*

*Until there was you,
I cried myself to sleep.
While I had you,
I fell asleep with a gentle smile on my face.
Before I lost you,
I worried myself to sleep.
Now that you're gone,
I sit up at night waiting for you to come back.*

*No man is worth my tears
but the one that is
wouldn't make me cry.*

*Love begins with a smile,
develops with a kiss,
and ends with a tear.*

*If you love me in my dreams,
then let me sleep forever.*

*Ever since we met,
I have been discovering new and beautiful things
that I like about you.
The way you smile. the way you laugh,
the way you miss me.
And they all mean more to me
more than you'll ever know.*

*It hurts to love someone
and not be loved in return.
But what is most painful
is to love someone
and never finding the courage
to let that person know
how you feel.*

*As much as I love you,
one day-I want you
to go through the pain
I've been through wit u.
But yet, as much as I wish
you could somehow feel
how much I'm hurting
I don't know if I could
bear to see you in pain.*

*I have made mistakes,
but I never made the mistake
of claiming that I never made one.*

*If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain.*

*Sex is like a bridge game,
if you have a good hand,
no partner is needed.*

*When the rain is blowing in your face
and the whole world is on your case.
I would offer you a warm embrace
to make you feel my love
When the evening shadows and the stars appear
and there is no one to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love*

*You Know what the worst feeling the world is? 
It's when the person you love most,
even when they love you in return,
is still blind to the fact
that all you want is to just
hold them for the rest of your life,
and never let go.*

*I used to think I missed you
because you were so far from me.
But then I realized
it's only your body that's all those miles away.
Your heart's been here beside me the whole time.*

*To love is to accept consequences,
pain, and letting oneself become vulnerable;
just because you give love,
don't expect it in return. 
Give all you can and don't demand,
require, and/or ask for it. 
Just be honest and true, .
and someday,
you will get what you earned in your heart
as you had put it in theirs.*

*Like a knife that cuts you
the wound heals but the scar,
that scar remains.*

*You can't hold on to something that doesn't want to be held on to.*

*Don't be blinded by love,
you are bound to run into something.*

&When I saw you today,
I just started crying.
Right in the middle of the room,
tears welled up.
I really don't know why I love you,
and that's the hard part-
because I know it's my heart speaking,
not my mind.*

*In the cold winter night,
the only thing that can warm me is my tears.*

*I'm an idiot, aren’t I? 
I go around, pretending I don't see it,
pretending I don't feel it,
pretending I don't care,
but the minute you walk out of the room
or I can't hear your voice,
I break down inside
because I know that
I am only trying to talk myself
into living into a cloud of oblivion,
that I am lying to myself
and that I really do care.*

*No more words,
no more lies-
let it go,
before it dies. 
Hear the words,
feel the pain-
last of love,
dies in vain. 
Sweet in start,
bitter in end-
hearts will break,
never bend.*

*The worst way 2 miss someone
is to be sitting right next to them,
watching them,
but knowing that you can’t have them
and that it doesn’t bother them
the way it bothers you.*

*Every tear that falls shows how much it hurts to love you*

*There was always something about you I liked,
then I realized I loved you, and it was everything*

*I wish I had the guts to walk away
and forget what we had. 
But I can't,
because I know that you won't come after me,
and I guess that is what hurts the most.*

*You will forever be my heart's strongest weakness.*

*Love me without fear.
Trust me without questioning.
Need me without demanding.
Want me without restrictions.
Accept me without change.
Desire me without inhibitions.
For a love so free,
will never fly away.*

*Life is like that.
Sometimes at the height of our reveries,
when our joy is at its zenith,
when all is most right with the world,
the most unthinkable disasters descend upon us.*

*Love is a fruit in season at all times,
and within reach of every hand.*

*If our love is only a will to possess, it is not love*

*Nothing spoils the taste of peanut butter like unrequited love*

*Wherever u go....there u are.*

*True friendship multiplies the good in life
and divides its evils,
strive to have friends,
for life w/o friends is like life on a desert island. 
To find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune. 
To keep him is a blessing.*

*Each friend represents a world in us,
a world possible not born until they arrive,
and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.*

Forgives sin WITHOUT EXCUSE!*

*I don’t know whether to smile because he's my friend,
or cry because he isn't mine.*

*Don't fall in love with someone you can live with,
fall in love with someone you can't live with out.*

*Love is like heaven but can hurt like hell.*

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