
*Friends are angels who lift us up when our wings forget how to fly.*

*I may not have gone where I intended to go,
but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.*

*How many joys are crushed under foot
because people look up at the sky
and disregard what is at their feet?*

*All I could do was turn away and walk away
from one of the best things that ever came into my life,
all I could do was think about how hard I was crying.
Endless tears I shed for you.
Its too bad that you don't love me.*

*There was so much that I needed to say,
so much I wanted you to know,
but I can't even look you in the eye anymore,
not after all that's gone on.
I love you and you don't feel the same.
Forever friends is all we'll be.*

*Why is it that I can cry for hours over you,
but you can't even shed a tear for me.
Its cause you love her.
You say you don't,
But there's no other reason
to explain why you've gone back to her.
You love her and she loves you a
nd once again you've left me brokenhearted.*

*One of my best friends in the whole world.
Never thought he'd become the man of my dreams.
Sometimes I wish he knew how I felt,
but its not worth risking it all; the loss of losing a best friend.
I can't imagine being without him.
Cause I know that I would truly rather be his friend than his nobody.*

*Why is it that after all the pain you've put me through I still seemed to love you?
Every time I see you, it's like I'm just meeting you for the first time all over again.
Its the butterflies in my stomach, the not knowing what to say,
the memories of what we had, and the pain I was left with.
You've caused me more heartache than anyone,
But why is that I love you more than the rest?*

*So I won't say I'm sorry and I won't cry a tear,
cause in the end i know it was all worth it.
I loved you with all my heart.*

*And there's nothing I’d do different if I had to do it all over again.
I loved you and you loved me and it doesn't matter what you say now.
Because the way I felt when I was w/ you was like no other
and I know deep down you felt it too.*

*Why does everything have to change?  I miss you.
I miss you when I’m sad and can't sleep at night.
If I only had you to talk to, to tell me its all going to be ok.
You said you'd always be there for me.  But I have yet to see you prove that.
Please don't let me miss you anymore.*

*Sometimes I wish you'd just call to see how I am.
I wonder if you ever think about me, the way I think about you.
Before you left you said we'd be friends, but we're not.
You said you'd always love me, but you don't.
I miss you more than words can say.  I really wish you'd just call.*

*And he's not going to break my heart.
I just need to keep telling myself that.
He's not going to hurt me like all the others.
Someone's finally going to love me for who I am.
Someone's finally going to make me happy.*

*So she wasn't the friend you made her out to be
There's going to be tough times that you wish she was there
to make everything feel alright.  But the fact is,
She's no longer your friend and its not your fault.
No matter how much you make yourself feel that it's all because of you,
It wasn't.  She wasn't the person you thought she was
and you got to think, she could have hurt you a lot worse, but she didn't.
She only made you a much stronger person.*

*I've got no regrets.
I can say it strong and although I wish to go back to what we used to have.
I don't regret the choices I made.
I've love you like no other and if things never happened,
we'd never be where we are today.*

*I'm scared to fall in love with you.
I don't want things to be ruined.
I love you and I’m not really sure what else I can do.
But all I know is that if in the end I get hurt and lose you, it was all worth it.
Cause plain and simple I love you.

*Three words that sound so simple,
mean too much and sometimes those words can cause years
and years of lies and heartaches and broken promises,
but no matter what its all worth it.
Cause the love you feel, when things are going good,
is unlike anything else in the word.
ts love, a word indescribable, a word with so many meanings.*

*I saw you today, And it was just like any other day, until we started to talk.
You told me all about her and what she was like and how happy she made you.
I hate myself for pretending that it was all ok.
I hate the fact that I can no longer look in your eyes without feeling some sort of regret.
I should have told you how I felt when I had the chance.*

*Thank You.  Thank you for making me a much stronger person,
who knows what its like to be hurt,  who knows what its like to cry,
and who knows how to pick up the pieces after you've broken them.
Thank you for making me a better person.
I'm someone with so much to look forward to,
and so much to gain from. 
Cause basically...I'm someone you're not.*

*As I watch you dance with her, my heart breaks, as I see you hold her in your arms,
I pray I was her, as she softly kisses your lips...I wish it was me..
I say to myself life just isn't fair...why does she get you? and I can't?
Why must you love her? and not me?  is there something I don't see?
A picture I don't get...I think that’s just what it is...
cause I’ve learned that life just isn't fair.*

*It always seems just as soon as things are going good...
just as soon as life takes a turn for the best....everything goes wrong...gets lost,
and confused and all messed up...and then u crash...
and just have to sit there,  cause you don't have the strength to get up....
cause now someone else has come into the picture, and taken your place in a heart beat...
and now there is nothing you can do...*

*Do you ever wish you could be in someone else's shoes...
maybe for a month, maybe for a day...even a second for that matter,
just so you could know what it would be like to be loved by him.*

*Maybe I’m looking for all the wrong things in a guy...
maybe its not even them... maybe its me...
but it seems like I get all the same guys...all the ones I want,
but can't have all the ones I need, but can't get...
and all the ones I love, just end up breaking my heart...*

*I guess I should move on...but something keeps telling me not to....
all my friends say I’m too good for you, that we have nothing in common,
just to forget about you, cause your not worth it...and to just move on....
its easier said than done... maybe its cause I don't see you as the jerk they do....
maybe its because I look at all the good things in you, not the bad...
maybe its the little things you did for me that make me keep loving you...
the phone calls from the simplest of 2minutes or to our 2hours...
the sweet words you told me, and time spent together,
I didn't see you for the playa you were, or how you treated me like a nobody at times,
not the jerk you were, or the one people made you out to be....
I saw you for you, and nothing less....maybe we weren't that close...
but I felt something...there was something special I saw in you...
and I still see it, and that’s what makes me love you..
even if you never loved me back....*

*Maybe it was something I said.  Maybe it was something I did.
But then again, maybe it was something I didn't say, but wanted to.
And something I wanted to do, but didn't.*

*It's sad that I have to stop and think
about how things could have been between you and me.
How everything we had, could just slip away like that, all because of her. 
She was someone I wasn't.... she was someone I couldn't be...
and I guess she's someone I’ll never be.*

*I understand why we're friends now.  I can see things clear.
It's because I don't want anything more, cause I know my friend will never leave,
and I can't take the chance of loving you as more, and then losing you.*

*Its funny how big of an impact you have on me.
Its like when I see you, you don't even have to speak...
all u can do is smile, and it can make my day,
and then that’s how I remember my reason's for loving you.*

*I remember things like they were yesterday...
But its sad to think it was over a year ago...
The way you'd open the door for me when we'd go out to eat.
You'd hold my hand as we left the movie theater...
You'd kiss me goodnight, as you walked me to my door...
You'd tell me you loved me, and that you'd call in the morning....
But I waited for that call....and it never came. 
And it hurts to say...that I still feel the pain. 
I miss what we had...and I love you to death, but you've moved on...
and haven’t taken me with you.*

*Oh, how I miss what we once had. 
I could always picture us growing up and getting married...
Living in a perfect little house, with beautiful children...
But then I woke up and realized that nothing in life is perfect...
and I guess what you and I had, also wasn't perfect....
its just to bad, that two imperfect people couldn't have worked things out,
and made it through the hard times...
But I guess that’s just life for you. cause nothings perfect.*

*I sat up last night thinking...Now I know, that I’ve loved you forever.
From the first day I saw you... you had my heart.
Just the way you said "Hello"  made me melt.
The first time we went out...
Everything was so perfect, you were such a gentleman.
The first time we kissed, under the moonlight sky, everything was just right...
But that was all taken away from me.
And now I know you took my heart with you.
Cause you've had my heart since the day we met.
And nothing will ever change that.
Not time, not distance, not space.
Nothing will take my heart away from you.*

*They played our song the other night.
I knew it was it, before the words even came out.
I started to cry, cause it was something we used to have...
So I went looking for you, through the crowds of people...thinking
"he said he'd always love me, so one dance for old times wouldn't hurt"
As I finally found you...tears began to run down my cheek uncontrollably
w/ out me even knowing it...Cause you were dancing with someone else.
Holding her tight,telling her how much you loved her...
and how this would always be yours and her song.*

*I finally figured you out.  Well at least I think I have.
Your not in things to make me happy, or others for that matter....
Its all about you.  Its funny to think about,
cause its like you revolve in your own little world...
and now all I can do is sit back and laugh at you...
for the fool you really are.*

*Somehow I knew we would be friends.
We'd have our fights, our ups and downs...
but when the big things came along, we could work anything out.
We'd fight over guys...Then laugh it off,
Cause we learned it wasn't worth it.
We knew that our friendship would make it through anything.
It feels like we've been friends forever,
even though its only been a short time.
But no matter what, you've always been there when I needed you the most,
and I love you to death for it.*

*I really don't know what makes me keep turning to you for your love.
Cause your already in love with two people.
Yourself.  and Her.
I don't see my name anywhere in this.*

*Tonight I realized that you weren't all that I made you out to be.
You were like this superior person,
that I feel completely in love with.
But you never were in love with me. 
But now I know, what your really like,
and how things are really going to be.*

*Maybe this summer, I’ll get over you.
Cause I won't have to see you everyday,
But then I think, just cause I won't see you,
doesn't mean I won't think about you.
Cause even when I don't see you now,
your always on my mind.*

*Sometimes all I have to do is look at you.
Even when your with her, it still makes me sad to realize,
that she's going to get hurt in the end, just like me.*

*Do u ever really analyze the quote
"I’ve lost something I never really had?"
Well I think about that all the time.
And it kills me to finally realize
that you are something I’m never going to have.*

*And tonight my little dream world all came to an end.
Cause even though you were with her, and I was alone,
when I saw the two of you together,
you both looked so happy.
And who was I to ruin your happiness.
Cause I can truthfully say I want you to be happy, even if its w/ her.
But then funny thing is, that deep down inside,
I know its never going to work out between the two of you.
But I think I’ll keep that my little secret for now.*

*Somehow today, I felt lost. 
It wasn't even that I had lost you.
Cause you were something I never had. 
But it was when u said Hello.
It wasn't the same feeling that I would get
like any other time you'd talk to me.
It just wasn't the same. 
And I can't explain why.
But its killing me trying to figure out what I did wrong.*

*It wasn't me you hugged today when we all said our good-byes.
It wasn't me today, that you’d miss once we were gone.
It wasn't me today, but then again...
It hasn't ever been me, and probably can't ever be me.*

*Prepare for the worst,
hope for the best*

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