The Wonderful World of Tracey

Index ·  About Me ·  My Interests ·  Tutorials ·  Links

Welcome to my weird and wacky website. This site was created as a part of my 'Create Web Pages with Multimedia' class at TAFE, so on this site you'll find copies of some of my tutorial assignments as well as a little bit about me and what I do.

Bits and Pieces

My favourite quote..

Then let amorous kisses dwell
On our lips, begin and tell
Thousand and a Hundred score
A Hundred and a Thousand more.

From 'Lesbia' by Catullus (85 BC)
English translation by Richard Crashaw (1649)

Follow the links below to find out more about me, my tutorial assignments and all the rest.


Index ·  About Me ·  My Interests ·  Tutorials ·  Links

© Tracey Brown, 2004  •  Last Updated 21 November 2004  •  Contact Tracey