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I have a wonderful family, both native and non-native in Virginia. We make up quite a large extended family and have enjoyed years of sharing Powwow's and other special occasions. We learn from each other and teach each other. We share a fantastic life and kinship rarely found in any other community.

Dancing With Daughter, StillWaters


Jimmy "Two Hawks" (Cherokee) and Jack (Brule Lakota), prepare in prayer and cleansing prior to the ceremony.

The blessing is given over Jimmy and Nancy "Whispering Owl", and the ceremonial Pipe is brought to them.

The pipe is bound to the bride and groom as a symbol of their faith and vows to each other and the Great Spirit.

More of my extended family in Virginia, Nebraska, and South Dakota.

From L to R, Tanya and Andy Christie (Western Cherokee), Emma (Halliwa Saponi), Daniel (Pine Ridge Lakota), Emma's daughter, Blaine and my son, Brad (Cherokee-Chippewa)

Ed and Daniel Garneaux

Preparing to dance, Joy, Emma, and Myself.

My daughter, Shannon

Emma's older daughter, Noorie, with friend, Richard (Rosebud Lakota).

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"Remember Our Military" "The Medicine Lodge" LONGHOUSE HOME!

O ta sa la nv lvi..."We are brothers and sisters."
Mitakuye Oyasin!! "All My Relations!!"

Some Graphics on my site
courtesy of Sam Silverhawk
Native American Graphics!

© 1997-2005