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Welcome to X10326's Beercan Emporium!
$ Buy, Sell & Trade $

Updated August 22, 1997

Welcome Beercan Collectors
If you're interested in old beercans--then you're here! While this is a new site, I have plans on making it an excellent resource for collectors of old beercans. I hope to establish a clearing house for collectors wishing to buy,sell or trade old beercans. Lot's of interesting things in here...

Listing of Breweries by State
- Check out this compilation of BREWERIES by state. I currently have WA, WI, WV & WY available for viewing. Information regarding years of operation are included.
Send me corrections via

I'll Buy Your Collection - I am seeking quality beercan collections (pre-1975 beercans). Create a general description of your collection or, better yet, compile a list and send me an email.

Beercans for Sale/Trade - Yes. I've got lots of 1970's pull-tabs and some rusty dumpers (flats) for sale or trade. However, no prices will be listed until I determine a decent pricing scheme. But, pitch an offer; I'll consider any offers to buy or trade. Check out the list of BEERCANS for sale or trade.

Collectors Classifieds - All collectors wishing to buy/sell/trade can post an ad in the classified section. Follow the link to the CLASSIFIEDS to take a look. And, if you want to post an ad, send me an email.

The Relative Value of Beercans? - I've begun delving into the concept of why some beercans are more valuable than others. Intrinsically, it comes down to scarcity. But, what makes some labels more scarce than others. How valuable is a can produced in 1963 (say, 35,000 cases) when compared to a can produced in 1953 (120,000 cases)? Interesting concept? Age and production should determine a cans relative scarcity and value. More NOTES

Beercan Collectors Links - If you host a beercan collector site and wish to become part of the links page send me an email. Until then, check out the LINKS to other related sites.

Books & Research - I've got plans to add quite a bit of content to this site including detailed information regarding beercans and the breweries. Initially, I'd like to compile a list of all known books related to collecting beercans. If you know of a Beercan Collector book that is not listed on the BOOKS page send me the title, author and year of publication and I will add it to the list.

WANTED: Reference Book Information - If there's anyone out there with a Beer Cans Unlimited (BCU) book--can you send me the name of the author and year of publication?

Under Contruction - The design and construction of this site is on-going. There are boxes and boxes of beercans yet to be inventoried and added to the appropriate pages of this web site.

If you don't find what your looking for--come back soon!

If you have comments, ideas and/or suggestions regarding this site, send me an email.
Happy Collecting!

GTX Systems, Inc.
All Rights Reserved, 22 Aug 1997