How I got my name!

The Name Game!

Julia Michelle Despain
That's my current real/legal name. The history of this name is very complicated! Ezzy is my 1st nickname. How I got that one, goes kind of goes with 'Julia' history. Zyrali is my internet name. I got it from an original, fictional character and my 'net friends call me by that. RaiVyn is a nickname that is both used in reality and on the internet. (not that the 'net isn't reality!) And finally, the name I'll be known as when I change it legally.

During my mother's pregnancy, as with all, choosing a name was rather difficult. My mother wanted to name me after her grandmother. My dad, and I'm not sure what he really wanted to name me, but he teased my mom about naming me Esmerelda. "..and we'll call her Ezzy for short!" he would say.
Because of my bad heart, I spent most of my youth in the hospital. When I was about 2 weeks old, the nurse asked what my parents were going to name me, because my documents still said "Baby Girl Despain". My dad replied with his joke, and my mom finally decided to name me Julia.

Unfortunately, my mom is the only one that likes that name! I really don't know what my dad wanted to name me. I like the name Julia, but not for me. So I thought about changing it, and asked my dad what he thought. I found out that he really doesn't like the name for me either. "It's okay, I suppose" was his opinion. So I am changing it.

Ezzy is a nice name in my opinion. So I started going by that, mostly just for fun, and to get rid of Julia.

Zyrali is a character I made up for my Darkwing Duck fanfiction stories. You can visit her page dedicated to her husband, Negaduck, or you can go to her bio/profile page. She's my alter-ego, I suppose you could say. I based her personality after my own, so she's kind of my 'daughter' too!

RaiVyn is what I was going to change my name to, but decided against it. Various reasons why it's not the best name to have are:

However, personally I do like the name, and so it's gonna stick as one of my nicks.

I've always liked the letter A, besides my other favorite, Z so I've chosen to get a list of A names, and hopefully find one I like soon!

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