The Maling Collectors' Society

Maling factory - click to enlargeMaling pottery was produced, first in Sunderland and later in Newcastle upon Tyne, from 1762 to 1963. Initially, there is little to distinguish Maling ware from that of any other local factory in north east England.

However, the discovery of a way to make marmalade jars and other containers by machine brought significant income. (Customers included Keillers marmalade and Ringtons tea.) This allowed the opportunity to expand the production of decorated wares.

As an example, china was imported from Staffordshire and Limoges. This china was then decorated in Newcastle and sold on under the Maling name.

In the early 20th century, the pottery also used the trade name of "Cetem" (a phonetic spelling of the initials CTM - CT Maling & Sons).

Later, the production of elaborate lustred wares, under the guidance of Art Director Lucien Boullemier, prompted the pottery to adopt the advertising slogan of: "the Trademark of Excellence". Today's collectors agree that the best of Maling's wares can easily stand comparison with the products of their more famous contemporaries.

For more information and photographs of Maling ware, please see the History pages.

About the Society...

The Collectors' Society is a research body which aims to rediscover as much as possible about the history and wares of this prolific company. If you or a member of your family have a connection with Maling, we would be pleased to hear from you.

E-mail or write to the address below. Please note that the society does not buy, sell or offer valuations. For books on Maling, valuation services and dealers, please see our Links page.

The Maling Collectors' Society
PO Box 1762
North Shields
NE30 4YJ

Roger Allan, Tony Boullemier, Fred Hoult, Caroline Kirkhope, Heather Maling, Dr John Maling, Steven Moore.