This is what everyone else had to say.

10/09/00 20:44:59
Name: Kevin Fisher My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite cartoon:: see below
Least favorite vegetable: ??

Wow! Your web site still exists. Mine does too, so now you're obligated to visit it(not really, but you can if you'd really like to).

03/23/99 04:41:38
Name: Julia My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite cartoon:: Scooby doo Least favorite vegetable: spaghetti squash (it has a really bad texture) Favorite Disney movie:: Snow White, although Mulan is a close second
Worst family vacation:: Well, it wasn't the vacation that sucked, it was coming home from Spring Break yesterday Favorite all-time rollar coaster:: I get sick on Roller Coasters, unfortunately


01/01/99 23:03:54
Name: Kevin Fisher My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite cartoon:: Ren & Stimpy Least favorite vegetable: veggie meat(burgers, sausage). it's just wrong to process vegetables and refer to them as meat Favorite Disney movie:: The Lion King
Worst family vacation:: any ones that only last a weekend Favorite all-time rollar coaster:: can't think of any specific one at this moment

Well, I've signed this many a time, but I am bored and this has been updated, so I am signing again. That's about it for now.

10/21/98 05:48:36
Name: Megan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite cartoon:: The Simpsons Least favorite vegetable: brussel sprouts. ick. Favorite Disney movie:: i can't for the life of me think of one now.
Worst family vacation:: none. they all rocked. Favorite all-time rollar coaster:: loch ness monster at busch gardens williamsburg

Hey Lisa! haven't seen you in ages! what's up? come visit me sometime at school, k?

10/08/98 14:03:19
Name: rachel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite cartoon:: the simpsons or bob and margret Least favorite vegetable: brussel sprouts and asparagus....together it's a truely lethal combo Favorite Disney movie:: Robin Hood
Worst family vacation:: the year we went to cape may and my sister got really sick or the year my dad thought it would be a really keen idea for the 4 of us to stay in a trailer at a campground and then have our car break doFavorite all-tim rollar coaster: Favorite all-time rollar coaster:: batman

heehee...i have no life and i have to go to math class...heehee....that's funny....i think i am going to fall asleep yet again in that class...why is it no matter how awake you are when you step into a math class, you are instantly lulled into a state of emi-conciousness and you are constantly wiping drool off of your notebook? i would really like to know the answer to that one. i've tried nothing to stay awake and i'm all out of ideas. see you later lisa rachel

10/02/98 00:16:46
Name: laura My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite cartoon:: simpsons Least favorite vegetable: squash Favorite Disney movie:: Aladin
Worst family vacation:: All of them!!! Favorite all-time rollar coaster:: I'm a wimp! I don't do them often

Hi Lisa! I like your page!

Name: Lisa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite cartoon:: Simpsons Least favorite vegetable: calliflour Favorite Disney movie:: The Lion King or The Little Mermaid
Worst family vacation:: Any of them...they are all the same...we fight, get yelled at, go home. Favorite all-time rollar coaster:: The Great Bear ant Hershey Park

Things are a bit different now. I finally made some changes.

08/22/98 05:50:26
Name: kelly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: chicken noodle What is the true meaning of life?: to live Worst movie:: U-Turn
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: meggy Highest level you got to in Tetris:: too high

hey cool page...although you need to update your guestbook and change the questions. i like your quote for the week too!

08/20/98 03:34:57
Name: Siegfried My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: Mein lieblings Suppe ist Tomaten mit Reis. What is the true meaning of life?: Spaß Worst movie:: Plan Neun von Ausser Raum
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: Spaß machen Highest level you got to in Tetris:: achtzehn

Hallo! Warum hast du mein Gästebüch auf Französisch geschreibt? Ach, es macht nichts. Jetzt schreibe Ich hier viel Deutsch, und du verstehst nicht. Gehen zu für Übersetzung. Okay, Ich hab' kein mehr zu schreiben, so "Auf iedersehen" sag Ich. Tschuss!

06/12/98 20:04:50
Name: Mrs. ShrinkWrap My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: Cream of Mushroom What is the true meaning of life?: knowing W.W.J.D. Worst movie:: Alien (I kept my eyes closed)
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: reading kn's friends web pages Highest level you got to in Tetris:: I beat Ken

I'll be checking back for your updates-it's enjoyable so far!

05/13/98 20:06:36
Name: dave schmitt My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: spaghetti O's What is the true meaning of life?: kick kurts ass Favorite way to amuse yourself:: it is not appropriate here
Highest level you got to in Tetris:: 19

hi lisa this is a neat page. better than pj's. My pants are dry so shut up about it. hehe. ok .I will see ypu later. Du saugst deinen Stander.

05/13/98 03:37:35
Name: kelly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: soup nazi What is the true meaning of life?: er friends seinfeld buffy and dawsons creek Worst movie:: age of innocence
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: pixie stix sugar ice cream pixie stix sugar ice cream.... Highest level you got to in Tetris:: dunno


05/10/98 18:58:46
Name: Megan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: misu What is the true meaning of life?: wouldn't you like to know... Worst movie:: speed 2
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: sleeping

Hello Lisa dahling. How are you? I'm pretty good. School's done in three days :), so I'll be home. I'll swing by the school probably one day towards the end of this week to say hey. Gimme a call sometime!

04/26/98 00:55:12
Name: Julia Cain My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: salmon What is the true meaning of life?: to wear flannel pajamas with feet, and not care what other people say about them Worst movie:: The Exorcist. I watched it last night, and I had to hide for about three-quarters of the film.
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: Clue. Highest level you got to in Tetris:: I've been practicing, and now I'm at like 16

I've changed my mind about some things, so I decided I had better change my entry.

04/15/98 19:28:51
Name: Daniel Kasper My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: no idea What is the true meaning of life?: Love is All Worst movie:: Air Force One
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: make love Highest level you got to in Tetris:: no idea

Hi Guys What`s up Daniel

04/11/98 22:07:41
Name: Peter Rossi My Email: Email Me Favorite soup:: Manhattan Clam Chowder
What is the true meaning of life?: To have fun, and learn something in the process Worst movie:: Local Hero Favorite way to amuse yourself:: Do you really want to know? I don't think you do.
Highest level you got to in Tetris:: 14

This is the most interesting guestbook I have signed as of yet. It took me forever to get to level 14, and I'm glad that someone actually cares. -PAR

03/26/98 05:15:27
Name: Kelly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: alphabet What is the true meaning of life?: it sux Worst movie:: Heavy
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: drawing cows Highest level you got to in Tetris:: i dunno but high

cool midis. thanx for visiting my page even though i havent updated it for a while. i've been pretty busy with school recently so i havent been able to do much of anything on the computer. actually i'm going to bed now so ttyl :) kelly

03/24/98 18:39:14
Name: Chris Lazzery My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: minestrone with those tiny little pasta thingies in it What is the true meaning of life?: follow the ways of my religion, ChrisLazanity Worst movie:: well, every Friday the 13th movie kinda sucked
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: run around in circles Highest level you got to in Tetris:: somewhere in the 70s. I kicked ass in that game!


03/23/98 14:57:37
Name: BT My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: Bean with Bacon What is the true meaning of life?: Toys!!! Favorite way to amuse yourself:: Incoherently babbling to myself.
Highest level you got to in Tetris:: I don't the teens I think.

Pinky and the Brain will rule the be ready!!! (After Sue takes over Canada)

03/16/98 18:37:43
Name: Ken Steward My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: Campbell's Tomato (not with water, with milk) What is the true meaning of life?: Set goals. Try to accomplish them. Don't actually accomplish them. Try to accomplish them. Once you finally do accomplish them it is time to die. You should also try to make as many people happy as yoWorst mov e: Worst movie:: Dune. Not the book. The book is very good. The movie is very bad.
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: Making people laugh. Highest level you got to in Tetris:: 14

A storm is coming. Our storm. And when it comes it will shake the universe.

03/16/98 03:39:20
Name: Ms. Lewis My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: I'm really starting to like snapper soup. It tastes like chicken. Mmmm....chicken. What is the true meaning of life?: Well, there are two widly differing opinions on that. One: Pictures of your loved ones. That's life right there. Two: Froot Loops. Think about it. Worst movie:: Anything with Pauly Shore or Barney(I know the movie isn't out yet, but trust me it will be the worst movie ever.)
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: Play the see who can get more red Mike and Ike's out of the stupid little machine at work game with Charlie. Highest level you got to in Tetris:: What's Tetris? Bob was using spray paint in the glass room at work and it wiped out 2/3 of my permanant memory. So far I have re-learned cheese, dog, and pickled pigs feet.

Help me!!! I have no life. I am trapped in my little world where all I do is go to work and come home. Save me!!! Give me some direction in life so I know what the hell I'm doing. Okay enough of that. "I like soup."-Christopher Nicholas Croce. "Bow down b fore the one you serve. Your going to get what you deserve."-NIN And last but not least my current favorite quote from the fabulous author, Salman Rushdie. This is how he feels about being branded a heretic. "Look at the three greatest heresy trials in hi tory: Socrates, Jesus, and Galilleo. The first gave the western world its philosophy, the second its religion, and the third its science. The west should value heretics!" Well, that's about it because I really have nothing interesting to say because my li e is boring as can be. I think I have seen 8 movies in the last 2 weeks. Save me!!! Ms. Lewis aka Zillah or Rachel

03/06/98 18:18:22
Name: Megan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: any kind NOT served in Neilson Dining Hall What is the true meaning of life?: I'll tell ya later Worst movie:: Speed 2
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: listen to music so loud i think my head will explode, and then turn it up some more Highest level you got to in Tetris:: .99999999999999999

Did you know that a US patent has been issued for a device which will keep a severed human head alive? It has been tested on monkeys, and scientists have kept a head alive for 36 hours...and the head still acted like a head, except it didn't sleep. (Be pr comes a shameless plug...) Come check out my new page, 'cause it's new and improved :) Keep up the good work lisa! Love ya hun!

02/23/98 21:56:10
Name: Kevin Fisher My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: New England Clam Chowder from room service in Boston What is the true meaning of life?: That's a tough one, I must say, either Micronesian domination of the world, or protein. Worst movie:: Army of Darkness, or V!
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: conquering the world while signing guestbooks Highest level you got to in Tetris:: 18, with 180 lines, I'll beat Michaluk eventually, mark my words, all I needed were 2 more lines!!!

Well, I signed in before, but I was in need of amusenent at 4:49PM on 23.Feb.1998, so I decided to enter a more profound entry. For enlightenment and fun, go to my web page!! Here's a quote for all of you in need of something profound: I had 3 goals: to be a lawyer delivering an eloquent speech, to pitch a no-hitter in Yankee Stadium, and to lead a conquering army. Two out of three isn't bad. -Fidel Castro PS-Castro played for the Cleveland Indians' minor league team before becoming the communist dictator of Cuba. An arm injury made him leave baseball.

02/22/98 02:14:06
Name: Julia Cain My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: Chicken noodle What is the true meaning of life?: to eat cheerios Worst movie:: anything scary
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: read stuff Highest level you got to in Tetris:: 10!!!!!

Hi Lise, I love your page. I'm sorry it took me so long to get here, my email was stupid an' I couldn't read any messages. Anyone elso who reads this, e-mail me. Lots of Love, Julia

02/22/98 01:50:28
Name: Lauren Haughey My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: Cream of Chicken (Lipton's cup of soup) Worst movie:: My Boyfriend's Back


02/13/98 18:19:17
Name: Lorraine J. Isadora (Karen) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: That great soup that my grammy made with bow tie noodles (too bad she died) What is the true meaning of life?: enjoy all time like it's you last Worst movie:: Phenomemnon (super cheesey), Jerry Maguire, Powder, Speechless
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: two words: Body Paint (err, just kinding) Highest level you got to in Tetris:: Honestly, I've never played it.

It's so nice to see so many young communists is one place. Althought I am PRO-DEMOCRACY (I mean do you really think that you'd actually be able to write your own opinions on a web page if we lived in a communist country), I find the actions that go along with communism entriguing. I just got done reading part of the Communist Manifesto written by Lenin. I swear, anything with manifesto, as well as communist, in the title has to be a compelling piece of literature. I was very amused by it. I also rea Stalins report on his first five year plan. Yes, he kept his nation in poverty, killing thousands of people, so he could open heavy instudrial factories, creating military things, tractors, steel, etc...... I think that's crazy, but interesting......

02/13/98 18:12:38
Name: Sarah Elizabeth Marconi Favorite soup:: homemade chicken noodle
What is the true meaning of life?: I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you Worst movie:: That's tough, I've seen so many bad one's. Anything they show on MST3K.
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: Toys Highest level you got to in Tetris:: I don't know, propably somewhere in the teens

I hate people. They always seem to get in the way. Sarcasm is a way of life. Ponder this-"All generalizations are false, including this one."

02/04/98 00:29:12
Name: steve My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: potato What is the true meaning of life?: to swim with the fishes without getting caught Worst movie:: honey a shrunk the kids
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: anything involving women Highest level you got to in Tetris:: don't have time to play


02/03/98 21:25:26
Name: Ryan Michaluk My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: Broccolli & Cheese What is the true meaning of life?: Read good books, eat good food, and think about circumstances and happenings to get your own ideas. Worst movie:: I Love Lucy VS The Spice Girls
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: Read Vonnegut, Crichton,and JRR Tolkien Highest level you got to in Tetris:: 15

HEY!! Join my TheoBokononist government!! Just E-Mail me at to get my Newsletter!!.

02/03/98 01:34:38
Name: Kelly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: Chicken Noodle with ALPHABET LETTERS What is the true meaning of life?: its a board game by Milton Bradley Worst movie:: Cable Guy, Age of Innocence
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: playing with my springy ball that lisa gave me and watching meggy eat TONS OF SUGAR Highest level you got to in Tetris:: dont know...but really high...considering I have too much free time on my hands...

Hi guys! how are ya? Good start for a page...just so ya know...I have a if you want some pics scanned...arrange it with me some weekend...k?

02/01/98 20:26:06
Name: PJ My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: Chicken noodle What is the true meaning of life?: to piss people off Worst movie:: Bean
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: annoying people on AOL (AOHell) Highest level you got to in Tetris:: 12


02/01/98 19:12:01
Name: Heather My URL: Visit Me Favorite soup:: chicken noodle
What is the true meaning of life?: check out my Steltz paper-oh, sorry, the paper is meaning IN life Worst movie:: My Boyfriend's Back Favorite way to amuse yourself:: think of stupid things my sister said
Highest level you got to in Tetris:: I don't remember, but higher than you

Lunch is ready-no time for comments.

02/01/98 18:48:49
Name: Brian Simpkins My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: Tomato What is the true meaning of life?: no clue Worst movie:: Little Shop of Horrors
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: T.V. Highest level you got to in Tetris:: #3

Cool page.Blah,blah,blah,blah,blah

01/31/98 01:54:13
Name: Bill Marconi My URL: Visit Me Favorite soup:: Tortellini
What is the true meaning of life?: Still looking Worst movie:: Plan 9 from outer space Favorite way to amuse yourself:: I am easily amused
Highest level you got to in Tetris:: Blindman

I am really proud of you. This is really cool. I plan to bookmark this site and come back on a regular basis. Maybe you could even teach me to start my own web page.

01/30/98 18:14:51
Name: Zillah My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: New England Clam Chowder or Green Split Pea What is the true meaning of life?: Clean socks Worst movie:: No Escape( The only movie I ever walked out on)
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: Poke Patrick in the stomach and watch him squirm(Try it! It's fun!) Highest level you got to in Tetris:: 22( I think)

Go Lisa! You rock! Look for your site on my page now. It'll be there as soon as I can actually get to my site:-( Your site is off to a good start. Keep up the good work babe! Zillah

01/30/98 18:02:19
Name: Kevin Fisher My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: Tomato Rice What is the true meaning of life?: Cuban Domination of the World Worst movie:: Army of Darkness
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: inciting communist revolutions Highest level you got to in Tetris:: 16 160 lines


01/30/98 17:24:04
Name: Clarence Feegee My Email: Email Me Favorite soup:: Cream of Potato(homemade only)
What is the true meaning of life?: Ask me when you have time to discuss it. Worst movie:: Jack Frost ( if you haven't even heard of it, that's ok) Favorite way to amuse yourself:: SKANKING!! (dancing to ska music)
Highest level you got to in Tetris:: I don't play Tetris much, so I don't know.

Nifty links, Lisa! I would like to leave you with a quote from the all-knowing Pat Sajak (sp.) "..throw a ferret in my pants and call me itchy." (You just don't ask.)

01/30/98 03:17:02
Name: Dan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: minestroni What is the true meaning of life?: worship me Worst movie:: Dazed and Confused
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: Tetris Highest level you got to in Tetris:: 20 ie 201465 pts

Great questions. You oughta spice up the page with a cool background gif or something

01/30/98 02:45:55
Name: Do I need an introduction? My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: French kiss, i mean onion What is the true meaning of life?: unlimited sex Worst movie:: home made ones
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: I can't say that here! Highest level you got to in Tetris:: All the way to the top baby!!


01/30/98 00:32:49
Name: Marge Charles Nehasapeemipetilon (megan, for those of you who didn't catch the acronym) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: Talk Soup What is the true meaning of life?: I'm not telling, nyah nyah nah nah nyah :Þ Worst movie:: Oh boy...this one's a tie...between Spaced Invaders and Speed 2: Cruise Control (ow. it even hurts me to think about them)
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: Staring blankly at walls with a tiny trickle of drool rolling down my chin Highest level you got to in Tetris:: Don't remember, but my highest score was 37,500 :)

I should be in class right now, but the hell with it. I have a headache from hell and would rather be shot dead by a firing squad (i'll take pepperoni on my Tombstone) than go to class right now. Uh...spiffy page so far hun. Keep it up. Who knows...maybe 'll be inspired to actually do something to mine... :)

01/29/98 23:46:34
Name: The Invisible Woman My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite soup:: chicken noodle stars What is the true meaning of life?: no one really knows. Worst movie:: Groundhog Day
Favorite way to amuse yourself:: laugh at the little bugs that fly down people's shirts Highest level you got to in Tetris:: 15!!

Well, obviously, yall made it here. I'm hoping this'll work.

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