
Written by R. W. Goodwin

Internal dating: The episode begins on Sunday April 12, 1997 and finishes Monday/ Tuesday on April 13/14. Scully's prologue is not dated but is a few days later. All flashbacks take place in the Summer of 1973.

In a dream, the adult Mulder is sleeping in his childhood bed in his parents' Rhode Island summer house. He is awakened by an 8 year old Samantha. The colors in the dream are very intense with occasional bursts of light.

Mulder sees a young version of himself hiding in the hall. With Samantha, he sits at the top of the staircase. Mr. and Mrs. Mulder are arguing loudly in the family room. Mrs. Mulder is crying "my baby" while her husband tries to comfort her. Mrs. Mulder refuses her husband's touch. Samantha turns to the grown up Mulder and says "I'm afraid".

Mulder wakes in a start. He is covered in sweat, lying on the floor of a motel room. Disoriented, he works his way to the bed. Mulder is dressed in his business clothes, but his tie and jacket are off. His dress shirt is covered in blood.

Startled, Mulder calls Scully. It is 4:50am and she's sleeping. Scully asks Mulder is he knows where he is. He isn't sure, but the key to his room says Hansen's Motel is Providence Rhode Island. Neither one is sure why he is there.

Mulder tells Scully he is covered in blood. She asks him if he's injured, but he's not. He's worried that its someone else's blood.

The credits roll: The Truth is Out There.

At 6:15am, Scully speeds into the motel parking lot. Dressed casually, she finds Mulder's room and lets herself in. He is not answering when she calls his name. She finds him naked, sitting in a hot shower. He complains to her that he can't get warm. Scully tells him he's in shock and turns off the water. She wants him to put on some towels and a blanket and go the the main room.

Once out of the shower, Scully performs some basic coordination tests on a still cold Mulder -- he is able to follow her finger. When he asks her what day it is, he isn't sure. The last thing he remembers is talking to her on Friday night. Scully tells him its Sunday morning.

Mulder is not wounded except he's unsure of his whereabout for two days. He doesn't remember drinking or taking any drugs, he can't remember if he was alone or not and he's unsure where his weapon is. Scully finds hsi gun with two rounds fired. Mulder doesn't remember firing it.

Scully wants Mulder to see a neurologist immediately. She is worried that this cerebral event may be from a virus or the early stages of encephalitis (swelling of the brain or spinal cord). Scully's biggest concern, however, is that Mulder has an aneurysm that could kill him at any moment.

Mulder won't go, more worried about the blood on his shirt than the problems with his head. Mulder finds a set of keys with the name "AMY" on the key chain.

As Mulder gets dressed, Scully goes to the front desk. Mulder checked into the motel at noon Saturday. He made no phone calls and had no visitors. Mulder can't find his car in the parking lot. The auto in front of his motel room, however, has blood all over the steering wheel.

Amy's keys open the car. It is registered to a David Cassandra of Providence, Rhode Island. Scully promises to check out Cassandra as soon as Mulder is hospitalized. Mulder, worried that he killed someone, wants to investigate. Scully tells him its a terrible risk but its a risk he wants to take.

In another location, a man is cutting out pictures of himself from all his old photos. He looks crazed, bleeding from his forehead.

Mulder and Scully go the Cassandra household. A 30ish woman answers the door, she is their housekeeper. As Scully questions the housekeeper, Mulder recognizes a painting on the wall. The painting is of a house that seems very familiar to Mulder. The housekeeper tells Mulder and Scully that the painting is of Amy Cassandra's childhood home. It is the only thing she ever paints.

The housekeeper takes Mulder and Scully to Amy's studio, which is filled with paintings of the white home. Mulder swears to Scully he's been there before, but can't remember when. The house is in Chepatchet, 20 miles from Providence and just a short distance from the Mulder summer house.

Mulder and Scully go to the house. The yard of the house is overgrown and the building itself is in terrible disrepair. Scully doubts Mulder was there in the last two days.

Mulder suddenly grabs his right temple and is in agony. Falling to his knees, he is grunting and groaning. Scully tries to help but cannot.

Mulder starts another flashback. His mother and father are fighting again, this time in the den of the summer home. Mrs. Mulder demands to know how Mr. Mulder "can do this to our family". Mr. Mulder claims its not his fault, saying "the orders are coming down from on high". Mr. Mulder sees the young Mulder listening in the hall and closes the den door. The young CSM stands behind the young Mulder and teases him about being a spy.

As Mulder comes to, Scully is full of questions: did he lose consciousness, what happened? Mulder said he had a "very vivid flashback" from his childhood. Scully thinks it was a seizure and notes that Mulder's heart is racing. Mulder, with some recovered memories, tells Scully he feels fine.

Mulder and Scully enter the house. Mulder is sure he was there before, but the cobwebs and heavy layer of dust have Scully believing Mulder was there as a child. As the two search the house, Scully finds a dead older couple in the back room. Both shot once in the heart , they are Amy and David Cassandra.

A little while later, the police are carting off the bodies and examining evidence. Detective Curtis is running the investigation. He wants to question Mulder, but Scully has warned him of Mulder's precarious health. Before Curtis can question Mulder, Scully warns Mulder about talking to the detective. Mulder jokes that he should wait for his lawyer. Scully is sure that he is not the killer.

Mulder recaps the evidence for Scully. He can't remember two days, he woke covered in blood, his gun is missing two rounds, he has the keys to the place where the victims were found. "Do the words 'Orenthal James Simpson' mean anything to you?" he asks Scully.

Curtis questions Mulder, who admits his confused and can't remember anything. The detective wants to know why Mulder came to the house, but Mulder doesn't know. Mulder mentions that he is familiar with the area, his parents' summer home was nearby, but he doesn't know the Cassandras. The detective wants to bring Mulder in for questioning, but Scully insists on Mulder getting a quick check at a local hospital. She warns Mulder to keep his mouth shut until she can do the autopsies on the bodies.

At the autopsy, Amy Cassandra is declared dead of a bullet wound to the heart. Scully, assisting the local ME, finds a small but very deep puncture wound in Amy's forehead. The wound goes straight to her brain. Scully asks the ME to run a special battery of blood tests and skull X-rays.

Mulder sits alone in the police interrogation room. A bandage on his arm shows blood has been taken. Detective Curtis comes to Mulder with a brown bag. Curtis asks Mulder if he remembers anything new, but Mulder still can't remember a thing. Curtis wants to believe that Mulder is having these head problems, and wonders if in a fit of insanity, Mulder killed the Cassandras. His gun, the detective tells Mulder, seems to be the murder weapon and in the brown bag is Mulder's bloody shirt. Mulder tells Curtis that he won't confess since he can't remember a thing. Curtis arrests Mulder for murder.

As Mulder is being booked, Scully arrives. She has learned from the ME that Ketamine, a fast acting animal tranquilizer, was in Amy's blood. Ketamine causes hallucinations in humans. Scully checked Mulder's medical records, and he tested positive for Ketamine as well. Scully thinks this explains Mulder's missing time. Curtis agrees, but still thinks there is enough evidence to keep Mulder. He is jailed.

One of the booking officers, a Michael Frazekas, is the man who was cutting his image out of his photos. After Mulder is processed, Frazekas walks into one of the holding cells and blows his brains out. Scully declares him dead on the scene but notices a puncture wound in his forehead similar to Amy Cassandra's. Scully demands to see Detective Curtis.

Scully and Detective Curtis search Michael Frazekas' apartment. Curtis tells Scully that Frazekas was the joke of the department because he was big into aliens and UFOs. Scully finds a copy of ABDUCTEE Magazine on Frazekas' living room. Amy Cassandra is the cover story. Scully thinks she has a handle on what happened. Amy Cassandra had the same deep puncture wound on her head that she believes is on Frazekas' head. This wound, Scully thinks, may be a part of a suicide pact.

In his cell, Mulder is dreaming again. CSM is arguing with Mr. Mulder. Mrs. Mulder confronts CSM, beating his chest, pleading "Not Samantha". Young Mulder sees a frightened Samantha in her bed listening. Mulder wakes and start screaming for a guard.

Curtis brings Scully to Mulder. He tells her that Mulder must be getting his memories back since he was yelling for her the whole night. In his cell, Mulder tells Scully he doesn't think he's the murderer. Scully is sure he is not -- the forensics do not work. While the blood on his shirt matches the victims, the splatter patterns do not match ones that would appear if he was the killer. The point of entry of the wounds makes it look like Amy killed David and then herself. Mulder would be released after Curtis announces the murder/suicide.

Scully tells Mulder her ideas: Amy thought she was an alien abductee and Mulder probably contacted her. Amy, according to the article in ABDUCTEE Magazine, was undergoing a radical treatment to get her memories back. The treatment caused Waxman-Geschwind Syndrome or Dovstoyesky Syndrome. It makes the sufferer do the same thing over and over again. It was why Amy painted the same house over and over again, why the officer kept cutting his image out of photos. Another symptom is vivid dreams and flashbacks that are more real than the normal conscious mind can provide.

After Mulder is released, Mulder and Scully go to visit Amy's Psychologist, a Doctor Charles Goldstein, Ph.D.. Mulder finds his car in Goldstein's parking lot.

Mulder introduces himself to Goldstein, asking if the two ever met. Dr. Goldstein says no. Under questioning, Goldstein tells Mulder and Scully he is upset about Amy's suicide. She was improving under his treatments. While Scully questions him about Amy, Mulder is looking around the room, trying to remember.

Scully asks about the treatment. Goldstein says the unconventional treatment, while aggressive, was nothing more than a way to help Amy recover memories. The doctor tells Scully that a mixture of light, sound and electrical stimulation jump starts the memories. Scully asks if Goldstein knew Michael Frazekas. Goldstein says yes, he was a patient. He is shocked when Scully tells him of Frazekas' suicide.

Mulder goes back to the treatment, asking if it was approved. Since it was not an invasive procedure, he didn't need approval. Goldstein goes on to defend how the treatment helped Amy when it becomes obvious that part of Mulder's memories are back. Mulder leaves. Scully accuses the doctor of bad medicine before leaving.

In the hall, Mulder tells Scully he remembers going with Amy to Goldstein for a treatment. Scully agrees, telling Mulder she thinks Goldstein gave him the Ketamine to Mulder and Amy and the treatments caused Mulder's blackouts and seizures.

When Scully asks Mulder why he would do something as "crazy and dangerous" as submitting to Goldstein's treatment, Mulder has another flashback. Despite severe head pain, Mulder sees his mother in the arms of CSM, looking worried. Mulder recovers quickly.

Scully insists on checking Mulder into the hospital. He is now a danger to himself and to her. Mulder isn't listening, asking her for the key to her car so he can confront his mother in Greenwich. He tells Scully that his memories of the summer before Samantha's abduction are beginning to come back to him . "The truth is in there", he tells her pointing to his head. Scully reluctantly agrees but insists on driving him to his mother's.

Mrs. Mulder is surprised to see Mulder, who jumps out of the car almost before Scully can park it. He charges into the house, Scully has to run to keep up. Mulder confronts his mother in the front hall:

FM: (Unwilling to look at her, looking instead at her feet), You've kept things from me. You've kept secrets from me.

MM: (To Scully, who is standing near the door) What's the matter with him?

DS: He's undergone a treatment he believes has helped him remember some things.

MM: (To Mulder) Remember what?

FM: You told me when they took Samantha you had to make a choice. That's not how it happened, it wasn't your choice to make.

MM: What do you want to hear from me?

FM: (Still not looking at her)I want to know what happened that night on Quonochontaug. I need to speak with you privately.

Leaving Scully in the hallway, Mrs. Mulder and her son move to the living room.

FM: You had some kind of relationship with him.

MM Who?

FM: You know who, the man who worked with my father. The man who came to you that night when I was 12 years old and made you chose Samantha.

MM: No Fox.

FM: (Yelling), Yes, you betrayed my father, your husband.

MM: Never.

FM: (Quieter now), How far back did it go?

Mrs. Mulder slaps her son across the face hard.

MM: (Indignent) How dare you. How dare you come here and accuse me

FM: (Desperate) Who is my father?

MM: (Angry) What do you want, to kill him again?

FM: Just answer the question Mom (Mrs. Mulder tries to leave, Mulder grabs her and yells) Just answer the question.

MM: I am your mother and I will not tolerate any more of your questions.

Mulder starts to bleed from his forehead, the way the police officer did in his apartment. Mrs. Mulder runs from the room and goes up stairs. Scully enters the living room to talk with Mulder, but he's gone. She watches from the window as he takes her car.

That night, Mulder finds Goldstein and submits for another treatment. After taking the Ketamine, Mulder puts on a pair of VR glasses and starts to have a flashback. His thoughts are not organized, with images of Samantha being hugged by CSM, the abduction, CSM and his arguing parents racing through his mind. Goldstein, meanwhile, starts drilling Mulder's forehead.

When the police arrive, Goldstein is arrested. Mulder is gone and Goldstein isn't talking. When Scully arrives, Goldstein won't tell her what he did to Mulder. Mulder's parting words to Goldstein, however, were that he was going to exorcise his demons.

A SWAT team surrounds the Mulder summer home. Scully tells the SWAT guys that Mulder is very sick and not responsible for himself, despite being armed. She doesn't want them to shoot him if he comes out of the house. She goes in alone.

When Scully enters the home, gun drawn, Mulder yells to her from another room to leave. She won't. She finds him in the living room, still under the influence of the drugs. He is suffering flashbacks -- Mrs. Mulder yelling "Not Samantha", CSM hugging Samantha, the abduction. He puts his gun to his jaw and looks like he's about to kill himself.

When the flashback passes, he tells Scully he is remembering more and more. She asks him to put the gun down, but he won't. He has more flashbacks of Samantha being taken away, of CSM. He turns his gun on Scully. When Scully asks Mulder is he is going to shoot her, Mulder nods yes.

DS: Is that how much this means to you? Mulder, listen to me. You have been given a powerful hallucinogen. You don't know that these memories are yours. This is not the way to the truth Mulder. You've got to trust me.

FM: (yelling) Shut up

DS: Put down the gun (soothing) let it go.

Outside, the SWAT team hears Mulder empty his clip. Mulder fired into the ceiling, far away from Scully. He collapses on the floor with Scully comforting him. He whispers about being tired and needing to know.

Several days later, Scully is preparing her report. Mulder has been cleared of any wrongdoing in the case of the Cassandras. He has not suffered any more seizures or head pain.

Scully writes: "I'm concerned that this experience will have a lasting effect. Agent Mulder undertook this treatment hoping to lay claim to his past. That by retrieving memories lost to him that he might finally understand the path he is on.

But that knowledge remains elusive and if its only by knowing where he's been that he can hope to understand where he's going, then I fear Agent Mulder will lose his course. And the truth that he is seeking will continue to evade him, driving him more dangerously forward in an impossible pursuit."

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