Leonard Betts

Episode by Vince Gilligan, Frank Spotnitz and John Shiban

Internal dating: No date given for this or any of the episodes at this point. It internal dating roughly tracks episode order this should probably be round about January 1997, but you never can tell.

In Pittsburgh, a 62 year old man is being rushed to a hospital with a heart attack, via an ambulance. An EMT named Leonard Betts tries to save him. Somehow, Leonard notices that the man is not having a heart attack, but has a cancerous lung tumor which is pressing on his heart. Leonard saves the man.

A truck plows into the ambulance, killing poor Leonard. He is thrown from the ambulance, his head landing about 10 feet from his body.

Leonard is brought to the Pittsburgh morgue, where somehow he promptly escapes. The trauma of this death however, makes him forget his head.

The Credits Roll: The Truth is Out There.

Mulder and Scully show up at the hospital a few hours later. Scully thinks Leonard's body was taken by unscrupulous medical suppliers, looking for med school cadavers. Mulder jokes that Leonard could have left on his own.

A hospital security officer shows Mulder and Scully video taken from the hospital's security cameras. Video failure makes it impossible to see the head, but someone did leave the morgue. Since the guy who left didn't carry a body with him, Scully thought the thief stored it. Mulder said no, they searched hospital but Scully knew where they may have missed.

In the hospital's bio-waste facility, Scully explained how medical waste is handled and suits up to look through the medical waste bin for Leonard. Mulder isn't thrilled with this and is even less pleased when she forces him to suit up to look for Leonard -- Scully can't reach the bottom of the bin.

Mulder, unhappily finds Leonard's head. Scully plans to autopsy the head, Mulder goes to Betts' apartment to see how he lived.

Scully starts the autopsy, weighing the head. As she dictates info about the head, its eyes and mouth open. She is startled and leaves the head alone.

In Betts' apartment, Mulder looks around, finding the clothes the man in the video was wearing and a bathtub full of iodine. Mulder calls Scully, who sheepishly admits that she hasn't done the autopsy because the head moved. Mulder teases her a little but moves on to the idea that Betts is alive. Scully has other tests planned. As Mulder leaves the apartment, Leonard comes out of the bathtub.

Back at the hospital, Mulder interviews Betts' co-EMT. She describes him in glowing terms, telling how he could pick out cancer in patients by looking at them, working for free in the cancer wards. Leonard was in good health and was well respected.

After the interview, Mulder sees Scully do a test on the head which mummifies it so a slice of the head can be examined.

The slice that is examined blows Scully and the other pathologist away. Leonard's brain was full of cancer. Every cell had it. The pathologist and Scully agree that no one can live that way. They think the test is screwy. Mulder thinks otherwise and wants another slice of the head.

Betts' old EMT partner hears his voice on their EMT radio and tries to track him down.

Mulder takes the head to a place that does "aura" imaging. He thinks that if you lose an arm, you still have the arm's aura. By checking the head, Mulder wants to see if the guy's body still has an image. It does. Mulder and Scully disagree about the validity of the aura imaging. Mulder thinks the guy has a "positive" cancer, one that lets him regrow body parts, just like cancer sometimes regrows in people.

Scully gets a call, advising her that Leonard Betts has another alias, Albert Tanner. Albert has a mom who is alive. Mulder and Scully visit Mrs. Tanner. When they question her about her son, she tells them that Albert -- whose pictures in the hall is identical to those of Leonard Betts -- died six years ago in a car wreck. Mulder and Scully are perplexed.

Back at the hospital, Betts' old partner sees him. She follows him and hugs him when they are reunited. He kills her with a potassium injection. Hospital security sees this and chases him down. The Security Guard handcuffs Leonard to his Dodge Dart and tries to help the fallen EMT. Leonard rips off his thumb and flees.

Scully and Mulder come to an agreement that Leonard is alive. As they search the car they find a cooler of medical waste -- cancer. Leonard is eating cancer to keep alive. The Dodge Dart belongs to Mrs. Tanner.

As they search the Tanner house, Mrs. Tanner tells Mulder and Scully that her son was a good boy, never giving in to bullies and always knowing he was better than those who picked on him. Mulder searches the house and finds a bill for a storage facility. Mulder and Scully go to check it out while the police continue the search.

Leonard, meanwhile, is sizing up a barfly at a local tavern. The guy has a nasty smoker's cough. In the parking lot as the barfly goes to leave, Leonard stops him and pulls a scalpel.

In a rather graphic shedding of his skin, Leonard is reborn -- all new and looking good.

Mulder and Scully pull up at the storage facility, finding the dead barfly. Leonard almost kills them as he flees by car. Mulder and Scully fire once at the car and it explodes. Leonard is dead again.

Mulder isn't too sure and tells Scully that the dead barfly probably had cancer -- she should check it out. Mulder thought that Leonard's screwy DNA probably provided him an ability to pick out cancer suffers.

Mulder had Albert Tanner's remains exhumed. It was identical to the Leonard Betts on the morgue table.

Back at Mrs. Tanner's, however, she is bathing her son in iodine. She has cancer and asks him to cut it out of her so he can save himself. Mulder and Scully watch the house -- Mulder thinks it is the only place he'll return to -- when an ambulance arrives. The ambulance was sent for an elderly woman with terrible bleeding and trauma wounds.

The EMTs start to save Mrs. Tanner while Mulder and Scully start a search. The EMTs take Mrs. Tanner to the hospital -- Scully goes with them -- while Mulder does a search.

When the ambulance arrives at the hospital, Scully calls Mulder. She tells him they are there and wants to know what's going on at the search. Scully notices the roof of the ambulance is dripping iodine. She tells Mulder to get over there now and starts to search for Betts. Mulder races from the Tanner house.

Scully searches for Betts, but he finds her first. He throws her into the ambulance, locking the door. He apologizes to her, pulling out a scalpel and tells her that she has something he needs. The two fight -- Betts is weak and Scully, horrified by what Betts may have told her, is angry. Scully electrocutes Betts with the difibulator.

Several hours later, Scully is sitting in her car when Mulder comes by. She is very quiet and very spooked. Mrs. Tanner did have cancer and that's what Leonard cut out. Mulder told Scully he was proud of her work. Scully doesn't tell Mulder anything about what Leonard said to her. Instead, she asks to go home.

Several hours later in bed, Scully wakes up coughing with a nose bleed. It is 2:08am. She suddenly looks very sad.

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