Rain King

Episode written by Jeffrey Bell

Internal dating: Teaser takes place on Feb. 14, and the events of the actual episode are said to happen six months later. However, it's not clear what year we're talking about - 1998 would be 5 months before the episode aired, and just before the movie in the internal timeline; 1999 would be 7 months in the future.

Valentine's Day. Kroner, Kansas. Sheila Fontaine waits for her fiance, Darryl Mootz, to come home from work. She has a romantic surprise for him: she's posted news of their engagement in the newspaper.

Darryl comes home in a bad mood: His business is failing due to a drought. He is especially angry to see their engagement listing; he'd wanted it kept secret. He rejects Sheila, and walks out on her, ignoring her cries of "It's going to rain soon!"

Darryl drives home, drinking heavily, still angry. Abruptly it begins to rain, then hail. Darryl loses control of the truck and it skids to a stop, crashing against a tree. The rain and hail continue to fall, and the hail is in heart-shaped pieces.

The credits roll: The Truth Is Out There.

Six months later. Mulder and Scully arrive in Kroner via a small plane, and are greeted by the mayor and a baton-twirling ten-year old girl. The mayor is happy to see them, and on Scully's encouragement, proceeds to tell them the case. The town of Kroner has been without rain for years, only now, it rains wherever Darryl Mootz goes. And he charges people for this rain. The mayor believes Darryl is causing the drought, so he can make money off their wishes for rain.

Mulder and Scully's first visit is to the Rain King's headquarters, where a teenage girl informs them that Darryl is not in; he's just over the state line in Nebraska, making it rain. The girl is proud of Darryl (and obviously sleeping with him) and rude to Mulder and Scully, claiming Darryl is the real thing. She reluctantly gives the agents a client list.

Next port of call is KPJK, the TV station for Kroner. There they run into Sheila, who thinks they are the station's contest winners at first. Quickly realizing her error, she hands Mulder and Scully over to the station's meteorologist, Holman Hardt.

Hardt says that Kroner has had amazing weather for a long time: tornadoes, drought, and the like, and that he finds it exciting and even sexy. He scoffs at the idea of man being able to control the weather, but he also cannot offer an explanation of why it rains wherever Darryl Mootz is. For on the weather radar is his office, the only patch of rain to be seen is right where Darryl is, in Nebraska.

Mulder and Scully decide to go pay Darryl a visit. They arrive at a gathering in a field, just in time to see Darryl arrive. When he does, they discover he is crippled--in the accident he lost his lower leg. Darryl does a slow, rather silly dance under a tent, and before long, it begins to rain, amazing even Scully.

At the TV station, Holman talks to Sheila about their twentieth high school reunion, in a few days. Sheila asks what Mulder and Scully wanted, and when Holman tells her, she wishes they would "just go back to where they came from" and leave Darryl alone. Holman is amazed that she still loves Darryl, and urges her to get over him, saying Darryl never loved her, but only her money.

Sitting in their hotel rooms, Mulder and Scully each notice some rather windy conditions. Mulder gets up to close his window, and pauses to watch some cows in a field next to the hotel. As he watches, one gets abruptly sucked upward, out of sight. Mulder leaps to the side, just before the cow hurtles through the roof of his hotel room, crushing everything below it. Mulder himself is cut on the arm, but otherwise unhurt.

The next morning, at the hotel, Mulder is seen to by a doctor, and Holman arrives, in shock. He says the cow phenomen was a weather one, and nothing paranormal.

Sheila then comes forward, crying, to confess. She is responsible for the strange weather, she says, although she can't control it. On the night of her high school prom, a tornado blew away the school. On her wedding day, the fourth of July, it snowed six inches. When she got divorced three years later, the clouds all seemed to be laughing at her. Darryl lost his leg because of her, due to the rain and hail that night they broke up. And now the cow. Tearfully she asks, "Am I under arrest?"

Mulder says absolutely not, and reassures her that she's just had some bad luck, that she isn't to blame for any of it. "I really want to believe you," Sheila says, and kisses Mulder's hand. She leaves. The doctor who has been sewing up Mulder's arm (and who has heard all of this) says that it wasn't the rain that made Darryl have an accident. He was drinking, and that's why. Holman is stunned to hear this, and he leaves.

Darryl, out in another field, surrounded by his rain, sits with his employee Cindy. Abruptly it stops raining, and Darryl freaks out, knowing it's all over.

At the motel that night, Scully tells Mulder that they are scheduled on flight out at 10:00 the following morning. Mulder shows Scully an old newspaper, dated Sept. 20, 1991. On that day it rained rose petals in Kroner; that day was also the day that Holman Hardt's mother died. Mulder now believes Holman is causing the weather. He brings up the fact that most people say the weather can affect their mood, and how they are feeling, and mentions SAD. Why can't it work the other way around, asks Mulder.

That night Sheila calls Holman and says that he was indeed right about her getting over Darryl. Happy, Holman says that there are plenty of people who would love her more--and we see that he hopes to be one of them. Sheila agrees, and asks if Holman can keep a secret: She has a crush on Agent Mulder.

The next morning, Mulder goes to the TV station to talk to Holman, and confronts him with his speculations: He is in love with Sheila, and he has repressed his emotions for so long, that he inadvertently makes strange weather happen. The rain that follows Darryl Mootz is an extension of guilt, for what happened to him, but now that Holman knows the man brought on his own fate, the rain is no longer there for him.

Holman does not deny the charges, but does say he did not bring about the drought. He doesn't know what to do about Sheila, and asks Mulder for advice, to please stay for the reunion that night. Mulder says he can't stay, that he has to catch his plane out of here. At this point, Mulder's cell phone rings, and it's Scully. She's stuck on the roadside due to very thick fog, and their flight out of Kroner isn't going anywhere.

"Fog?" Mulder says. "Holman!" Scully asks where he is, and he says he's with Holman, who wants advice, dating advice.

"From who" asks Scully.

"Yours truly," Mulder replies.

A long silence draws out. "Hello?" Mulder asks.

"Mulder, when was the last time you went on a date?" asks Scully.

"I will talk to you later," Mulder says, and hangs up.

Mulder urges Holman to tell Sheila how he feels, and quickly, before he kills someone due to his control of the weather.

Terrified, Holman walks into Sheila's office and blurts out, "I love you." Mistaking his words for friendly affection, Sheila replies, "I love you, too." He stares at her, and she says, "Holman, what's wrong?"

Outside, it begins to rain.

Holman leaves Sheila's office, and Mulder asks how it went. Sheila leaves, and walks by. Mulder says, "All right, you did it!" Holman replies, "No, you did it. She said she loves me, but she is *in love* with you."

Darryl arrives at the station, having decided to go back to Sheila now that he can no longer make it rain. He only wants her for her money, however.

Sheila tells him there is someone else, and he is disbelieving. He grabs her hand, and Sheila cries for him to let her go. Mulder hears this, and comes forward. Darryl realizes this is the "someone else" and gets upset. He takes a swing at Mulder, who ducks it easily, then cuffs Darryl. Sheila says "You deserve a big reward," and gives Mulder a huge kiss, who, to his credit, does not kiss her back. Holman and Scully walk in on this, and both are stunned. Sheila and Holman leave, and Scully urges Mulder to leave, and catch their flight. Mulder, with red lipstick all over his face, points out the red blotches on the weather radar. Thunderstorms: they and their plane are going nowhere.

By the time the reunion (with a Wizard of Oz theme) begins, later that night, Kroner is awash with rain, and the storm shows no signs of abating. Mulder and Scully again urge Holman to tell Sheila how he feels. The weatherman does so, and manages to tell Sheila that he is "in love with her." From a distance, Mulder and Scully watch as the two talk, then Sheila abruptly walks away.

Scully follows her into the bathroom, and talks to Sheila, about relationships and love. She says that Mulder believes the drought and strange weather is being caused by Holman, and his repression of his feelings for Sheila. Sheila is stunned by this; she's never thought of Holman that way, he is just her best friend.

Scully says: "Well, it seems to me, that the best relationships, the ones that last, are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at a person and you see something more than you did the night before, like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend, is suddenly the only person you can imagine yourself with."

The storm drains begin to back up, and Scully and Sheila flee the bathroom.

A drunk Darryl Mootz shows up at the reunion and tries to fight Mulder, who easily overpowers him. Darryl passes out.

Sheila comes out of the bathroom, and walks up to Holman, then kisses him. Instantly the rain stops. "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" begins playing. Across the gym floor, happy couples dance, and Mulder and Scully look on.

A year later, the town of Kroner is experiencing yet another beautiful day. Sheila Hardt sits with her young baby by a window, watching her husband on TV, while outside the sun shines, a rainbow glistens, and white puffy clouds dot a perfect blue sky.

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