
Episode written by Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz

Internal dating: When Mulder visits Marita his watch reads November 25th 1996. This is only a day or two into the case. The Senate Hearing seen in the teaser is dated as 10 days after the start of the case.

An obviously nervous Dana Scully is being sworn in in front of the Senate Select Subcommittee on Intelligence and Terrorism. Skinner is there, so is Cancerman. As she tries to read her prepared statement, the Senators cut her off. They want to know where is Mulder? She tells them she can't tell them, he would be compromised in an investigation. She then starts talking like Mulder about a secret government, lawless men who run everything. The Senators cut her off -- they want to know where Mulder is or she will be held in contempt of Congress.

Credits roll: The Truth is Out There.

10 days earlier in Hawaii, a diplomat is stopped in customs and ordered to open his parcels. He tries to invoke diplomatic immunity, but it does not work. He gives the custom agent a hard time, so the customs agent has the diplomat strip searched while his suitcase is being opened.

When the diplomat is returned, the customs agent tries to open the suitcase. A giant test tube falls out, shattering. Black dusts hits the ground but quickly becomes oily worms. The worms crawl into the customs agent, killing him. The diplomat is screaming for his life.

In Flushing Queens in NYC, Mulder and Scully are running a raid - tons of FBI guys, Mulder and Scully in full riot gear - on a militia group. They are looking to blow up lots of stuff. They've bought tons of things to make bombs. Someone leaked all this info to Mulder, sending him anonymous receipts, bills, etc. As the militia guys pull up and start to load their bomb, the FBI starts their assault.

Tear gas and shooting take care of the military guys. The truck takes off, but Mulder and Scully follow the truck. As it speeds away, it suddenly lurches and pulls to a stop. The driver is dead - killed by a bullet to the head from the passenger. Mulder pulls the passenger out. IT'S Krycek!

Mulder starts to go after Krycek. Scully tries to stop Mulder, halfheartedly. Krycek tells Mulder he is the one who sent the clues. Scully tries to interrogate Krycek. Mulder's rage is barely in check. "You're an invertebrate scum sucker who's moral dipstick is about two drops away from bone dry."

The militia guys found Krycek in the silo while they were stealing military stuff. He joined up. He hates the militia guys, he loves his country. Mulder is not impressed. Scully wants to know what Krycek wants. He wants the same thing they want - the men who tried to kill him, the men who tried to kill Scully, the men who killed Mr. Mulder and Melissa Scully.

Krycek tells them about an international flight coming into Dulles that has a Russian diplomat smuggling stuff in. Krycek is able to point out the guy. When Scully approaches him, he runs. Mulder handcuffs Krycek to a pole and goes with Scully after the Russian. The Russian gets away but drops the pouch. When they return to Krycek, Scully is furious - there is a rock in the pouch.

Walter Skinner is awaked in the middle of the night. In his fab new Crystal City apartment - 17th floor duplex with a balcony - Fox Mulder is at the door. Skinner is PO'd when Mulder asks if Skinner will OK a safe house for a detainee. Before Skinner can chew out Mulder, Mulder pulls Krycek into the door way.

Skinner, who is shirtless by the way (wow!), says sure, he can stay here. He pulls Krycek into the apartment and gives him a good punch in the gut. Skinner remembers the stairwell incident last year and still isn't all that forgiving. Skinner handcuffs Krycek to a rail on the balcony and wishes him a good night.

The next morning, Scully and Mulder bring the rock to be analyzed, since they know nothing about it. At a NASA lab, a scientist tells Mulder and Scully that the rock has the same stuff that the rock in the Arctic - with the alien bacteria - has. Mulder, Scully and the scientist agree that the scientist will take a core sample.

As Skinner walks to work, Cancerman approaches him. Cancerman tells Skinner that Mulder and Scully are in possession of a diplomatic pouch which has caused an international incident and they all may be guilty of treason. He warns Skinner that wars have broken out for far less.

Meanwhile in Skinner's apartment, the bad guy Russian is going through the place. A waking Krycek sees this and hangs over the rail. When the Russian looks over the balcony, Krycek pulls him to his death.

Back in the basement, Mulder learns about the dead guys in Hawaii but no one at the State Department knows what is going on. Mulder is beginning to believe Krycek, much to Scully's chagrin. She is worried about how far Mulder plans to go and how far she can follow.

As the NASA scientist cuts the rock wearing a high end contamination suit oily stuff oozes out. It breaks the saw. The ooze becomes worms, which crawl through his suit and paralyze the guy.

Mulder and Scully are on their way out to NASA when Skinner calls Mulder. They found the dead guy and Skinner's pissed. He wants Mulder to get Krycek out of his apartment, since Skinner is about to be questioned by the police.

Mulder is able to sneak in and get Krycek out. Skinner is interrogated, but as soon as they find out he is an assistant director, he is kind of cleared.

As Mulder and Krycek are fighting - words, not fists - Mulder's cell phone rings. The scientist is dead and the stuff from the rock is poison. Mulder asks Scully to run down a name and address.

Mulder shows up at 3am in front of Marita the UN Blonde's apartment. Dressed in a nightgown, she tries to track down, via telephone, the diplomats from Hawaii and Dulles. She was able to trace the rock back to Tunguska. She also volunteers to sneak him into Russia with phony diplomatic passports.

Mulder returns to the car, where Krycek is handcuffed to the steering wheel. As Krycek starts to mouth off to Mulder, Mulder just belts him, effectively shutting him up.

Scully and the always helpful agent Pendrell, look at the scientist. He is standing up, but seems dead. As they examine the room, they find the oily stuff and do some really cool things in the contamination suits. As Scully looks at him, he moves -- he's not dead, but it is strange.

Mulder is parking his car at the airport. He promises a handcuffed Krycek that if he's not back in a week, he'll call Scully to bring him a bowl of water. Krycek swears at Mulder as he walks away - in Russian. Krycek's folks were Cold War immigrants and Mulder may have just found a translator.

The next morning, The Well Manicured Man is watching his granddaughter ride a horse at a very expensive looking farm. Cancerman pulls up. The Consortium can not be connected to the rock but they have a new problem. Mulder is off to Russia. The Well Manicured Man is very annoyed and warns Cancerman that killing Mulder won't help this time.

Skinner and Scully have been ordered to meet with a Senator Sorenson. Skinner is pissed - what are they doing. Scully doesn't know. She tells him that Mulder is off looking for the answers Scully and Skinner need for their meeting.

Mulder, meanwhile, is with Krycek in Russia. He explains that a meteor in 1908 hit Tunguska, wiping out 200 miles of people and land. Mulder breaks into a gulag to take a look around (not a smart move). Krycek follows. As they see men breaking rocks - literally - in this Russian jail, their jailers are on horses, whipping the workers. Needless to say, Mulder and Krycek are caught - Mulder's whipped!

Mulder wakes up alone in a gulag cell. The guy next door is whispering in Russian, but Mulder can't understand. The prisoner tells Mulder that he is in a gulag and he is going to die in a gulag.

Krycek is returned in his undies. He was questioned. Mulder attacked him, trying to find out if Krycek gave him up. Krycek said no, warning Mulder to leave him alone - Mulder needs him to survive in the gulag.

Skinner and Scully meet with Senator Sorenson. Sorenson, one of the Senators in the opening, asks if they know the punishment for obstruction of justice. Scully is flip back but Sorenson is having none of it. He wants to know about the dead guy in front of Skinner's building. Scully tells him that they will file a report when they know. Sorenson wants to know where Mulder is. Scully replies that he is in the field but can not tell him where.

Krycek and Mulder are given insect infested food to eat. They refuse. Krycek causes a scene. When a different guard comes, he tells Mulder goodbye and leaves with the guard. The prisoner next door tells Mulder that Krycek sold him out. Mulder's cell is invaded and he is drugged in the neck.

Mulder wakes up in a wire mesh bed that holds him down and up - a Mulder sandwich. He tries to move but the mesh is incredibly form fitting. The men around Mulder - there are many in his situation - are screaming.

Suddenly a tube comes down and pours the oily worms onto Mulder's face. They go up his nose (ICK!) and invade his body. His eyes get the black spots that Krycek had last season and he stops moving.


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