The Myth: It's all role-playing and bizarre fantasies and kinky sex.

I don't normally recommend the "yellow pages" agencies. Why should I? After all, they masquerade as being what my agency actually was: high-class and exclusive. In reality, they are mostly fast-buck merchants who provide essentially the same service as the girls on the street for a 500% mark-up. However, if it is something kinky you're after they may be the place to look. Most perversions have their niche and, if you're in a big city, there's probably at least one place listed that will be happy to cater to it.

Such services are NOT, however, what the high-class agency provides.

I say this over and over in these pages, but it bears repetition again. The elite agency's unique selling-point is quality. The quality of the girl: her looks, her presentation, her conversation. And the quality of her love-making: her body, her energy, her technique. My former agency's girls didn't get into perversions and dressing-up because they didn't have to. They were more than capable of satisfying their clientele without any of that.

I'll spell it out directly. Scat, watersports, Greek and anything involving bondage or physical injury was out. Period.

So what did we offer?

Well, first and foremost, the best oral and vaginal sex going.

I know that reads as quite a claim but, among ourselves, the girls at the agency spoke freely, and we were all able to cite dozens of unsolicited testimonials about us being their "best ever". Clients actions speak even louder than their words though, and the fact that they kept coming back to us probably says even more. There were other agencies out there, after all, but few left us for them. The traffic, in my experience, was all the other way.

How did we get to be such good sexual athletes?

Much the same way people get to be good at anything else; a mix of natural ability, mental application, physical training and practice.

As I explain elsewhere (see The Girls), the agency was very careful about who it hired; but even those who made it through the selection process were not regarded as in any way the finished article. Specifically, the agency made a point of tutoring its new recruits in advanced sexual techniques. And although the girls - myself included - were all already a lot more experienced and adept than the average (we wouldn't have been hired if we weren't), I think we would all admit to having learnt a lot.

Remember, the agency's owners were themselves former top-dollar call-girls. They were experts. They knew that there is a world of difference between the "charge by the hour" girl and the top call-girl who is entertaining the guy for the night. The quick, impersonal bang is not an option. It's the difference between a rock song and an orchestral symphony; and to conduct the symphony right needs skill and application.

Again though, I don't want to give the impresson these were some great dark secrets that were being passed to us. We weren't learning by rote the more obscure chapters of the Kama Sutra or anything. Rather we were just learning ways to control the male body: to simmer it slowly and steadily, and to only let it boil at the exact moment we wanted.

Just as importantly though, they taught us that sex is only a part - albeit the central part - of the quality escort's service. You're giving him attention. You're making him feel good about himself. You're helping him unwind. That's why the agency wanted bright, empathetic personalities, capable of conversation and genuinely pleasant to be around.

And, of course, there was the actual escorting too.

(The euphemistic term "escort" is sort of a bluff within a bluff. Of course, when we're talking "escorting" we're really talking about paid sex. And yet, at the top level, genuine escorting work can often be a big part of the service.)

We were trained for this too. Dress. Presentation. Crash courses in theatre/opera/ballet appreciation. The whole nine yards, though some of us were a lot more comfortable with it than others.

(The agency actually made a point of asking clients how much of this side of the service they would want and, if there was likely to be a lot, the agency usually recommended me and one or two others who were the best educated and most socially adept of their girls.)

So...the best sex; good company; quality escorting; and all wrapped up in complete discretion.

That, baldly stated, was what we offered. Like I say: nothing very kinky or bizarre. But still a service which - performed the way we performed it - that kept the clients coming back time and again, and paying top dollar to do so.


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