Make $$$

Do you want to make money while you are surfing the net? If Yes, read this!!!

This was the first company to introduce this type of service, how it works is you download a viewbar for free. The viewbar appears at the bottom of your browser when you are surfing the net, it is quite small and really does not get in the way. Adverts scroll across the screen, and if you want to go to that site you can click on the advert and it will take you to that particular site. You are payed by the hour which works out at $0.50 per hour,  the checks are always on time and you get paid exactly what it says. There is also what is called a Refferal centre which allows you to get your freinds to sign up. So when they surf on the net you get paid, this works up to 5 levels. If your friend sign someone up  you  also get paid.

Webmasters can also put banners like this on there site to advertise.

This is another site that offers the same as, the viewbar is good and offers more services on it such as a search engine. The check on normally on time and the pay rate is high but not as good as But what really appeals about this company is that you can have both viewbars on at the time. Their doesn't seem to be any effect on your surfing.

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