Table of Contents


I am in the process of revamping my entire site. This web site has gotten so large that I need to reorganize it for ease of use and more functionality.  My hope is to assist you in navigating my web site more easily so you may focus on your particular area of interest such as:
E-Commerce Information
        Critiques & Showtime Search Engines
    Tv Listings:
        Favorite Shows
    What I use to make my graphics
    Where you can go to get some for yourself
Great Links to a wide variety of interests on the WWW:
    Fonts Galore
    Image creating software
    HTML information
Holiday - Seasonal Interests
Personal Bio
Web Store through  Amazon
Web Design Business
    My Portfolio of Work
    Other Web Sites I designed

Here is my Thanksgiving Calendar I designed just for you. It is ready to print or use for your desktop on a 17in. monitor 800 x 600 pixels

Please check back soon!

Please  feel free to email with comments:Email Me

                Archive of old Web Site