What Happened 12/4/98
Time will erase the pain that I feel. My heart has been broken & now it must heal.
What Happened?
Once upon a time, I thought we were friends. I truly believed that our love had no end.
What Happened?
You said things would never change..... But as the seasons went by, so did the sparkle in your eyes.
What Happened?
Funny, how I still hear you calling out my name. Professing your love, Damn, what a shame.
What Happened?
As I turn and look at our daughter's crooked smile, I'm quickly uplifted for I will never let her down.
What Happened?
Mommie, where's Daddy? I know she will say. Why should I have to tell her he'd rather go play.
What Happened?
Forsaking his family, couldn't handle his lust. Sleeping with others he lost all my trust.
What Happened?
Down on my knees, I'd pray every night. That sooner or later that husband of my would soon see the light.
What Happened?
Tears held back with the blink of an eye, knowing my "SISTAHS" would say keep your head held high.
What Happened?
From the beginning to the end, I stood beside you during our storm. Lord, please tell me this isn't the norm.
What Happened?
A fool I was called for wanting to make things right. You chose not stay to even put up a fight.
What Happened?
Months, days, seconds have passed this marriage has ended is my forecast.
One last question, WHAT HAPPENED?