by Bøb and Éd

last updated: 8/15/00

Guess What! Due to the increasing number of flames coming to the guestbook, we have now gotten rid of a section of this page.......THE GUESTBOOK! =) now if you people want to flame us, I'm oh so sorry, but you will have to flame us privately! Funny how many of these flames didn't even leave e-mail addresses where we (or others) could flame you back! This is cowardly behavior which comes from the fact that you people just don't know what the hell you're talking about in the first place =) And to those of you who flamed the guestbook and are even reading this message.....why are you even here? If you hate this page so much, then why do you come to it? You people are whacko!!.....oh, wait, so are we >: )= Well, anyway, if you feel inspired to flame us again (or are a first-time flamer! =) then would you please direct your psycho-babble to the html-fairy, here [POOF!] dearies, why must I deal with the flames? awe, come on, htlmfi ray, be abogod sport! yeahs, we kdnow you scerectly enoljoy flames, too! ...I swear, one of these days I'm finding a new page to supervise....[POOF!]

SUMMMARIES of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th fy novels, and a translation of the ENTIRE nakago novel here

ksldf;asfksdkfjsdhsdf!!!!!!! isn't this craaazy? This is Chichiri's seiyuu dressed in a tutu!! wanna see more seiyuu wearingt uttusZ? go -->here!!!<--

Unif0okla of the month!!

hello therhe, ...... wel,this pepoor unif0oklkla seciont has benen soooo neglated. the html fairy finally sorted through the votes fro march, april adn may adn keisuke abnd testsuay won!! askdf.

-------------------------GO VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE UNIF0OKLA, YOU CRAZY PEOPLE!!!-------------------------
don't worry, there's a really easy form thingie you can use. so click on this link --->here<---

[POOF!] here's a hint for all you lovely people out there, from your very own Html Fairy: the following arrows are pointing to links...really...[POOF!]

THiis is us with watase yuu, the holy one who cresatied this series!! hahahahahaa!!!! the cos-p0lay soi is Bøb, adnteh cod-apay tomo is Éd. thsink we just edited this picture??? w ell, you're WRONG!! click -->here<-- to learn about teh history of this holy pictuer.

Our Crazy Images!!
have you ever wondresd how they seishi and other FY
charactesrs look in Miaka/Yui;/s school uniforms?? well
now you can find ojt!!!
ever wonder...

What's New <-- self elxpleaniatory
My Lover's Shrine <-- Bøb's little dedication to her lover, Tasuki >: )=
Nuriko's Shrine <-- wlel, it's not much of anyting now, but more'll be of these days..
Éd's Chichiri Shrine! <-- dujno why we didn't link this beofre, but it's the beginnings of achichiir shrine...for now, you can drool over the screencaps from OVA 2 ep. 5...drrooolllllll.....
A Chiriko Shrine! <-- yes, Tasuki was nice enough to make him one as a birthday present. thank you, dear >: )=
Tasuki's shrine to Mitsukake <--since Bob and Éd are just too damn busy to make one themselves
The Flame Demon's shrine to Miaka <-- eyaehh!! thisi si relaly good! thakn youi, lfalme demon!
Anime Convention survival tips <--pallnngin on going to a conavention this year?? (threy're gettiggng clsoe...)
Shrine to Girl #2! <--we made thsfor YOU, tasuki no miko >: )=
Shrine to guard #5!!! <--we also madethsi for YOU, tasuki no miko..ah! ouir phero!!!
A test to see which seishi would be best for you!! <--eys inededed...Éd and Bob took it, and they actually scored their lovers (chichiri, and tasuki, respectively) for their ideal it's pretty accurate!
***Armour!!!!*** <-- Here's our Nakgo armour project! Go see it!!!
Cosplay! <-- See Bob, Éd, and others wearing craaaazzzy costuesm from FY!!
The Webmistresses' Corner... <--CAUTOIN: avoid viewing before doing anything of any importance whatsoever...

pepokle havve bneen to tihs crayza page!!! (since 12/29/98)<--*hit the 1000-mark on 4/9/99!!! wheee!! !3k523kjlkjkjfkg@!!!

*note: if any of our links don't work, LET US KNOW here. these links ARE fixable...if we know they exist...