tghsiu iis a peircture of my darleling Bøb in Jpapan in her cute japapnese shcool uniforme!!
ONly 20,000 yen an howur!! hahahah!! he.
but somehow, i still haven't had any customers yet...hehehe...

2/6/00 have you ever gone to a used manga store adn bought over 50 voluems of manga all at once?....just checking >: )= that's what i did yesterday. hehehe. i also started a manga page a bit ago, but dare not give out the address yet for fear that people will actually go to it (it's far from ready yet.) i have currently been translating the nakago novel (up to chapter 6 done...seimei has been posting it on her page. forgot teh addy right now, so for more info mail her) the seventh (and last) fy novel might also be translated by yours truly, too...i don't know...tghe next/last novel will be about all the suzaku seishi now (nuri, hori, chiri, and mits are all reincarnated, miaka and taka are married, adn everyone is happy...but then trouble occurs in konan, adn they all have to save the day. blah blah lbah. i'll look into summarizing/translating it once i get my little hands on the novel.) all for now. blah.

1/17/2000 <--don't'cha just love writing the "2000" at the end of the date? >: )= well, i've been internet-deprived for a while with my new host family, but i'll be moving back to my original one for a bit and hope to update some stuff! (at this very minute, i'm visiting them for hte day...or shoudl i say i'm visiting their computer...) i've finally gotten my shocomi translations up to snuff and you can find them here at the ayashi no ceres page (i think there's a link to them right up front...forgot though...). okay? okay. i thnk i'll add more stuff later when i actually move in here...

12/6/99 ha! i'm alive again! i finally got the internet at the house i'm actually staying at!! whooo-hooo!! i should post all the shocomi translations i've been diong to the anc page in a bit (i've been posting them to the ancml through my mom). got into some new bands. bought glay's newest CD, "heavy gauge". very nifty...well, i love 5 of the songs, and the rest are blah, but oh well...morning musume's song, "love machine" had been #1 for a whole month!!! can you believe it!! but it really is a fun song (once you get pastthe annyoing "fu-fu"s...if you pepel want to spend a lot of money on a cool j-pop group, get into T.M.Revolution. it's very nifty! it consists of a girly-guy, and a guy on a synthesizer, and the music is very nifty. (for you rrk fans, he sings "heart of sword"). now he's singing really cooooool ballads (strange thing: me liking ballads...) and is now called "the end of genesis T.M.Revolution turbo type D" (try saying that five times fast). new anime to get obsessed with!!! check out G.T.O. (great teacher onizuka), and "kindaichi, shounen no jikenbou" if you pepel get the chance....or if it's availible yet in teh western world...i'm currently watching them on tv,adn tehty're very nifty! (GTO has a lot of FY seiyuu in it). also check out kamikaze kaitou jeanne (it's almost identical to sailormoon). just finished a 41-volume manga series (well, actually, there's more; i just don't have it yet) called "garasu no kamen" (mask of glass). it's verrrrrrrrry goodand i hope to make a webapge to it when i get basck (along with ones to gto nad kindaichi and all that lovely blahfulness...) that crazy show with the grown men in mice costumes is making a cd and videos, so i'll be sure to stock up on those, too. i hope to check my email at least once a week...maybe more often if it's okay with my host parents...but i don't want to spend all my time on the computer reading and writing englsih, as it's bad for my japanese...which by the way, i'm pretty good at now. i can understand anything anyone wants to tell me as long as i ask thenm to explain words i don't knwo, and i cna say just about anything i want (thouigh some of it has to be slowly and in broken japanese),b ut i've gotten to the point where i can say most everyday thigns very quickly and sound very japanese-ish...very nifty. here'S a random niofty fact! south park is coming oiut on video here! (subtitled). isn't that nifty! i wonder if it'll become popular...hmmm...oh well, gotta run. the cool show with the crazy grown men in mice costumes is on now >: )=

10/21/99 well, bøb just sentn me a looooongnoe gletter from ajpapn! yaye. and there was a wonderufll inspiritn gpoem she wrote, wich i thought would be amrvoelouse to share with you all: it'c abot the art of failing. go read its!

10/2/99 updates updates, blah!! well, i only have 19 yen left. i:ve bought sooo much manga and cds... (mostly renai catalogue for pretty funny; kinda lke marmalade boy). did a translation of shocomi 20 at the anc page. don:t remember much now. still don:t have the net at school yet...don:t know if i ever will...might get it at my house...blah. okay.

9/26/99 oky, i still don:t know if i:ll be able to email at school (it:s every tuesday that i might have the internet...and maybe some thursdays, too...i guess i have to *gulp* ask...) randomness: my whole class seems to be hooked on appare jipangu! (not that i blame them. *cool* manga.) some chick lent me epotoransu! mai and i read that in one day. another cool manga by The Holy One...the love interest is reallllly nifty!! loves sailormoon!!! hehehe. i:ve been getting shocomi regularly (the day it comes out, naturally) and have been buying several random cd singles by craaaazy people. if you want to scare yourself, buy this cd called *love machine* by this group of 8 girls called *morning musume* (morning girls). it:s very scary and has that annoying *ooh! ooh!* and stuff like that. i saaw them on hey! hey! hey! and nearly kicked the set in....and now i want to buy the cd....yes, i:m strange, thank you. a greeeeeattttt song (almost as cool as max:s *ginga no chikai*), is *boys and girls*, by ayumi...forgot he4r last name.[POOF!]it's "Hamazaki", dearie it:s very peppy6 (actually, she sounds just like satou akemi...) the cd is one of those wierd kinds that is not a single...but is a has 10 tracks, 6 of which are boys and girls remixes, 2of hwih are other remixes, and the remaining 2 are the original mix of boys and girls adn the karaoke (yaaaayyy!!!! karaoke!!!!) the remixes are techno-crap, as far as i:m concerned, but the cost of the cd is about the same as a single, so it:s no waste. also got utada hikaru. she:s not crazy, but sh:es pretty cool. she speaks perfect englisyh (she must have lived in america or something), got a glay single (currently the most popular song here...*koko dewa nai, dokoka e*...or something like that. it:s verty thingful!! oh, and some random weiss news...i got the single of the new ova opening and ending themes the day it came out (by coincidence)...i think it was the day it came out. it said on the single that the starting date was 9/21...and i think i bought it on the 21st...well, blah! it:s a different style than usual. the songs are *no reason* adn *mellow candle* no reason is okay; kinda dark, but not heavy, and mellow candle sucks. oh well. it doesn:t soiund like they had mind dive playing their bgm and stuff...wel, i:m rambling. if i can get on the internet at scxhool on tuesday, i:ll type up my shocomi 20 translations. i will say this; it looks as though The Holy One is going to kill off another one of her characters ;_;

9/15/99 just a quickie. started school and found out that while my class is doing book keeping (something i can]t do), the freshmen have computer class for an hour and a half. i asked if they had the internet, and they do, so i will almost deffinately be email available once a week (every monday....or sunday, american time).

9/11/99 well, i bought the 19th issue of shocomi (the magazine that ayashi no ceres runs in) on the 4th, and promptly translated it. you can find it here...i think...

some people have inquired about my e-mail address. i:m using i can only do email about once every two weeks (sometimes i get lucky and can do it every week.) i:m living in mizusawa with my host parents and their children live in morioka (about 40 minutes north.) the computer (and email) is there. however, this might all change when i start to go to school on hte 13th. they have computer class there and computers, so they might have the internet (crosses fingers).

i doing fine in the holy land so far. i smuggled tasuki in my suitcase, so he keeps me company. i spend most of my time reading manga, watching tv and renting anime. i don:t see muuch anime on tv. all i:ve seen so far is chibi maruko-chan (including a news special on a 17 year old seiyuu making her debut on that show as a minor character), GTO (a shounen anime with tamahome:s and chichir:s seiyuu in it. the credits whized by too fast for me to catch anyone else:s name), a bit of gundam (got too boring; sorry, gundam fans), a bit of card captor sakura (stopped in the middle to eat dinner. damn.) i rented all of taiho shichauzo (i don:t like the ending, but the other episodes are nifty.) adn the super deformed ah my goddess series (aa, megami-sama. chicchatte koto wa benri da ne). ti:s very cute and rather silly. belldandy:s seiyuu is different for the first few episodes, but inoue kikuko comes back for the last few episodes. the *episodes* are very short, too; about 7 minutes each, maybe. and after each one is the ending theme *sigh*.

the manga i:m reading are in this monthly magazine called *betsuma*. i think all the comics in there are *margeret* comics (when thye:re realeased in book-form). i started reading it out of boredom at a coffee shop, but they:re really good. well, actually,m they:re all pretty much like *marmalade boy*, but they:re all easy for me to understand (and therefore, good.) i also got appare jipangu (by watase yuu, the holy one), and random people give me their old manga. i think i have enough manga to start a shop. (i took pictures oif all my manga and when they develop, i:ll have ed scan them in. hahahah.)

as for music, you crraaazzzy people have GOT to get the single "goldfinger `99" by hiromi go. i call it "the ah chi chi" song. i heard it on the radio abnd it:s the funniest song in the history of the universe!!...wel, not really, but it:s pretty funny. the chorus goes " ah chi chi ah chi blhablahblahblahbl a chi chi a chi alksdjflkasjdfklsd " and like that and it:s very thingful. you also HAVE to get the single "ginga no (some kanji i can:t read)i" it:s by MAX (a group of 4 girls; kinda like the S-h-e from fy, only much better) and it:s number 7 or 8 on the top ten right now. i:t svvereyryryryry;rryy cool. it[]s minor key, it:s harmonisation, it]s fast, and it:s 80`s! what else could one ask for? i already have it memorized (after wearing out the single, i:m sure) and can:t wait to sing it at karaoke (yeah, my host sister is a karaoke freak and goes every weekend) blah. okay, well, enough of that.

as for school and all that oitger lofvely stuff, i:m giong to an agricultural higy school. i had to give a speech (in japanese) to the whole school yesterday and i:m alreayd a big hit *sweatdrops* the people go crazy here when they:re in the pressence of a gaijin. it:s like i:m a god or something. ah well, okaa-san has been saying "blah blah blah kaeru blah blahblah" so i guess that means we:re leaving. so until next time. -Bob