This is the Technology Stocks Page!

The stocks below are companies in which I am interested.

WARNING: I am strictly an amateur investor. There are NOT any warranties or guarantees that any of these companies' stocks will gain in value.

Myself, I have had very good luck investment-wise where I first researched a company's market share, financial health (such as outstanding debt), expected earnings, and share price history. I strongly suggest research before any investment. In fact, the only time I've personally lost money on the stock market is when I bought based on a "Hot Tip" without doing my own research.

I've gathered some information about companies in which I am currented interested. Click on the Company Name for more information. If there is a company that you find worthy of attention, please e-mail me at

Palatin Technologies Incorporated

Ticker PLTN


ICOS Corporation

Ticker ICOS


Fluor Corporation

Ticker FLR


Aware, Incorporated

Ticker AWRE


Tut Systems, Incorporated

Ticker TUTS


PairGain Technologies, Incorporated

Ticker PAIR

Nasdaq National Market

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