A Little About Myself...

UWO Civil Engineering

UWO Civil Engineering

Hello boys and girls and welcome to my web page. I am currently a third-year Civil Engineering student studying at The University of Western Ontario. It is a really nice place for studying. I like here although that means that I am always busy. In case you did not notice some parts of my page is outdated - sorry!

Among all my courses, I like fluid mechanics the most. In this course, I learned how to design a complex pipe network; for example, I need to make sure that every pipe in a pipe network can handle the flow of toilet water when everyone in the building is flushing the toilet. If any one of the pipes failed, the leakage of toilet water would be very messy. Also, I learned how to control the water flow in a river so that the flooding of a river will not affect people's homes. I think no one likes swimming inside their own house. Furthermore, I learned how the wings of an aircraft create a lift force helping the aircraft to fly in the sky.

It must be boring for reading so much text? Let's have some fun now. I have put a joke somewhere on this page. If you want to read the joke, find it out by yourself. (Hint: Pay attention to the status bar in your browser.) I wish you good luck. Bye!

Suggestions? Questions? Answers? Please feel free to mail me! :)
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