My name is David and I live in Charlotte, North Carolina.
I was born on the 22nd of January
The name "redleg" is an old and obscure in origin.

  "Redleg" seems to have always been used as a name for fighting men.  The moniker was once used to refer to Scottish soldiers. Later, this term was adopted to refer to cannoneers.  In the early history of the Field Artillery, field pieces were often cannon removed from ships and (sometimes literally) carried into battle. The sailors who crewed these batteries often were injured transporting the field pieces, the blood turning their trousers red. The name redleg refered to a salior crewing a piece, then
later became aterm refering to all artillery men.

During the American Civil War, the name "Redleg" was later used as the name of a Confederate seceret society who engaed in guerrilla activity throughout the theatre.

I chose the name "redleg" as the alias for my first email account, and as that was not available,  I setteled with  My current email address is
The (very) Unofficial history of the Field Artillery
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