a paean to the SE


my SE





vintage mac users, unite!

what's an SE?

The SE was made by Apple Computer, Inc., and it came out in March 1987. There were two kinds: if you wanted two floppy drives, it came with an external hard drive, but if you only wanted an internal hard drive, it came with one floppy drive. (Boohoo.) The price tag? $2,900 for the two floppies or $3,700 if you wanted the internal hard drive. Yeah, it's a lot, but the SE was a state-of-the-art machine in its day. It was an "all-in-one" computer, kind of like the iMac (in a really, really limited way), in that it had the monitor and CPU in one (beige-colored) box. The SE monitor was 9" monochrome (black-and-white). It was the first Mac to come in "platinum" casing--if you look at a really old Mac 128K or 512K or something, it looks more beige than the later Mac models. Frankly, it looks kind of ugly, so the color was changed on the SE to a lighter, nicer, "platinum" color. Also, the SE was the first Mac to have a built-in fan (a feature Steve Jobs is rumored to have always hated).

what can it do?

I'm tempted to say "not much," but it wouldn't be true! My SE uses MS Word 5.01 and ClarisWorks 3.0 perfectly. Plus, there are some fairly bitchin' games that can be used on the SE. Some of my favorites are GrailQuest, Dungeon of Doom, Solitaire, and Battle Chess. (I'll discuss SE games later.) These computers could even be networked, and I know of one company that had an SE network for years! Want to see the SE's stat sheet? Check out Low End Mac's SE info sheet.

can you use it for the internet?

Sure can, but it's limited. I've heard rumors that people have used Netscape 2.0 on a Mac Classic (close cousin to the SE), and I've even heard that you can use it on the SE, but I've never actually tried it. You can, however, use Lynx, if you've got an ISP that supports it. Lynx is a no-frills browser--"no frills" meaning no images, no sounds, no movies, no dancing dots or animated "under construction" signs (hey, I can live with that!). Still interested? I knew you would be! You can download MacLynx here.

okay, what's a paean?

pae·an n : a joyous song or hymn of praise, tribute, thanksgiving, or triumph. (Thanks, Merriam-Webster dictionary!)

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