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Well, for any experienced PC user the title of this page should read "Help/About..." - just click on the Help menu of your browser, there sure will be an "About..." item there.

Help Item One - Who am I?

self-0-320-6.jpg (21532 bytes)I am a computer specialist. I have grown up in the middle of the microcomputer era. The very first computer I saw was a tiny COMIX-35 with as much as 32KB of memory, running a rudimentary BASIC interpretor upon which I wrote a bunch of programs. Then the famous Apple II, then the IBM PC, then I assembled 486 and Pentium PCs myself. At the present time I deal with servers with multiple CPUs and hundreds of MB of memory; software running on them ranges from fundamental operating systems like Windows 95/NT to complex software packages like the Microsoft Commercial Internet System.

I used to write a lot of programs; that made me happy and feel confident of the technologies. Programing also helped me understand how computers work. Now I only use prorams, well, actually we sell them. I am the Systems Engineer of our Sales and Marketing department and my job is to help our customers understand how the products would benefit them and how to plan for an efficient deployment of the system - we sell huge software packages that would potentially be able to deal with millions of users.

Help Item Two - Where am I?

I've been living in Shanghai, China since I left my hometown to attend Shanghai Jiao Tong University. This city is hardly perfect but I like it; you can see rapid paces of changes taking place every day.

I can be reached by email at lionelz@geocities.com

Help Item Three - What do I do?

I work with computers and software to make for a living. In my spare time I play snooker, tennis, and take photos.