Hangzhou, Zhejiang
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There's an old Chinese saying that Hangzhou and Suzhou are jointly comparable to the heaven because of the beautiful scenery, the splendid old styled Chinese buildings, and the leisurely way of living there.

I went to this small city quite a few times - it takes only one and a half hours to get there by train and the scenery there is really beautiful. Every time I went there, I would find something new to shoot at.

The West Lake contributes to the primary attractions that Hangzhou enjoys for these many years. As a matter of fact this lake is rather small - you can make a walk around the lake by foot in less than two hours. The most attractive part is at the west and south sides, as well as the two dikes running through the lake (called Sudi and Baidi, respectively).

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The scenery around the West Lake is real beautiful, especially when there is fog or light rain. There's an old saying among the photographers that says "West Lake in rain is fancier than it's sunny; while West Lake in fog is even fancier". After a light shower the trees seem much more attractive.

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A temple named Lingyin is located by the lake.

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