Xbase Viewer Java Applet

NB Software

Autor: N.Betancort Piratord

This Applet allows to scan a database file, Xbase compatible.
(dBaseIII, dBase IV, dBaseV, Clipper, FoxPro, etc)
All names above related are trademarks or registered trademarks

Applet parameters

an ( width in pixels, current value 400 ) al( height in pixels, current value 300 )

title (title of the applet, current value "Xbase Files Viewer " )
idioma ( language allowed esp=spanish and eng = english, current value "eng" )
datafile ( name of the datafile that must be .dbf extension, current value datos.dbf )

** ** Detailed description of the Applet **   **

* Download source code and classes ** (Zip File 14 Kb)

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