The Computer Bay



Today is and it is



Welcome to The Computer Bay. This web site was created to help you find all the great stuff the Internet has to offer. Things like free games, free software to download, help and tips for your programs, ways to search the Internet, etc. etc.

The navigation of this site is simple. Use the navigation frame to the left to get to the information you need. While this site does use frames for easier navigation, you won't be trapped in them, meaning that if you follow any link that takes you to another web site's page, the frame to the left will disappear, allowing you to view that web site's page as it was meant to be viewed.

Your browser does not support Java - Please get Microsoft Internet Explorer!


If you have to scroll a lot while navigating The Computer Bay web site, your screen resolution is probably set lower than 1024 X 768. The Computer Bay web site looks best when your screen resolution is set at 1024 X 768. To learn how to change your screen resolution, click here (instructions are for the Microsoft Windows 95 operating system only).




This web site has been accessed times since Thursday, April 2, 1998.



The Computer Bay web site looks best when viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.

Get it here:

Get Microsoft Internet Explorer


The Computer Bay web site is proudly rated safe for all ages by the SafeSurf Rating System.

The Computer Bay web site is proudly rated safe for all ages by the Recreational Software Advisory Council.


SafeSurf Rated All Ages      Rated with RSAC     


The scrolling Java applet is a modified version of the Java applet used on Jan's Clipart page and is used with permission.

Jan's Clipart Page


This web site was last updated on 6/7/98 at 2:25P.M. MST

Comments, Suggestions, Error Reports, etc. are welcomed. E-mail me Justin at

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