The logo was provided courtesy of David Vivash and is one of the entries for the new AMOS logo.  You can view this and the other entries by clicking here.

AMOS Source Code

(Last Updated 03/04/2000)
Midi Companion V3.2    - Visit the Midi Companion homepage for more information.

W-Lib - Visit the W-Lib web page for more information.

AMAL - Some small programs that use AMAL to animate & move bobs and screen, including an AMAL joystick routine.

** Please note that these files are actually .lha files but are renamed .ZIP to fool the server and PC browsers for easy upload/download.  Once you down load them, please rename the file extension to .LHA

Mr AMOS Club Disk Magazine

An excellent disk magazine full of tutorials, graphics, samples and most importantly Amos source code.

Issue 1 (457Kb)
Issue 2 (480Kb)
Issue 3 (488Kb)
Issue 4 (468Kb)
Issue 5 (500Kb)
Issue 6 (302Kb)

Mega MAC Map Maker V2 (156Kb) A map maker utility that is very easy to use.

Rainbow Utilities (492Kb) Some Rainbow utilities that allow you to easily create stunning copper rainbows.

** Please note that these files are actually .DMS files but are renamed .ZIP to fool the server and PC browsers for easy upload/download.
** Once you down load them, please rename the file extension to .DMS

Nothing But AMOS

Another disk magazine full of tutorials, graphics, samples and most importantly Amos source code.

Issue 6a (384Kb)
Issue 6b (427Kb)

** Please note that these files are actually .DMS files but are renamed .ZIP to fool the server and PC browsers for easy upload/download.
** Once you down load them, please rename the file extension to .DMS

AMOS 3D Related.

Object Modeller (279Kb) This is used to create your 3D objects to use in your AMOS 3D programs.
AMOS 3D Commands (3Kb) This is an amigaguide file containing the AMOS 3D commands.

** Please note that these files are actually .DMS files but are renamed .ZIP to fool the server and PC browsers for easy upload/download.
** Once you down load them, please rename the file extension to .DMS

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