Deep Blue Sea

Reviewed by: AceofSpades

December 12, 1999


The movie sucked. The computer-generated sharks looked positively laughable.

The premise was dumb, the characters were boring, the action was dull and without suspense. Indeed, the hack director (Renny Harlin) decides he'll break the rules of the thriller genre by omitting any suspense whatsoever, and simply having people attacked from out of nowhere, instantly killed, so that tension is nonexistant-- things just happen in a split second, then they're over.

I'd give it one star, simply because Harlin did indeed dare to "break the rules," even though his efforts are ultimately a collossal failure.

Well, it wasn't THAT bad. I supposed it was diverting on a very shallow level.

It wasn't EMBARASSING, except for the absurd special effects, cliched thriller lines ("Sharks CAN'T swim backwards... that's IMPOSSIBLE!!", etc.) and canned premise-- Die Hard in a Shark Tank.

Upon reflection, I'll bump my rating up to 2.5 out of 5. It was crap, complete crap, but it wasn't offensively inept, smug, ultra-ironic crap like so many movies today.

It actually attempted to ENTERTAIN the audience. I can't believe that I'm actually giving it two and a half stars for merely TRYING to entertain the audience.

But then, so many movies don't try to entertain that you have to reward those which do.