Small Time Crooks


June 21, 2001


Just-barely-worth-watching Woody Allen schlock exploring his typical themes of infedility, temptation, reconcilliation, and recyclying the same Gerswhin-dominated soundtrack he's used on the last fifty movies.

You expect a movie about crime. SPOILERS IN WHITE

It isn't. The first ten minutes are about a bank robbery; then all of a sudden Allen and his wife become mega-millionaires through a subplot. The rest of the film isn't about crime, but about the couple's differing attitudes towards their newfound wealth: She (predictably) wants to become a cultured "patron of the arts"; he (predictably) wants to remain a working-class schlub and drink beer from the bottle and watch the Knicks.

Overall, a pretty lame effort. It has a very first-draft, "oh let's just shoot what we've written so far" feel. It's not terrible, it's not actually offensive; it's just lame and forgettable as an episode of Blossom.