Something About Mary

Reviewed by: Boohab

August 10, 1998


so my wife convinces me to go see 'something about mary'.

i haven't seen any comedies in public. so the first thing i noticed was the unwashed masses of 20somethings i have managed to avoid in my moviegoing tastes. and for once the 'silence is golden' trailer is not a waste of time. but in the case of this movie, that's a good thing because it's fun to laugh your ass off in the company of ass-laughers.

a crack about an oyster shucker had me cracking up long into the next scene, and the directors obviously knew where to put the smalltalk in this film becuase there are a lot of scenes which get so many yucks, the following dialog cannot be heard. when i first saw the trailer for this slapstick, i figured i had seen the funniest part. not hardly.

is it gross? yeah. is it gross-out? not really. not quite a romp but 'mary' gets up to a cantankerous pace tempered with tender moments. yeah i said it - tender moments. half the time we can't remember the suitor's name or occupation, and matt dillon's character doesn't approach the manic obsession it should (considering carey's cable guy) but on the whole here's a comedy that makes you care.

the slapstick in this movie is totally original. there has really been nothing i've seen to compare it with. not since animal house, really have the limits of scatology been pushed with such hilarious results. although now that i think of it, dumb & dumber was a good setup (as was that bowling movie...).

have a couple beers, bring that goofy chick, look for the crowd of genxers, and don't be afraid to fart. 'something about mary' is just the kind of serious drama mature audiences of sophistication find enlightening... haha i'm just fucking with you.