Roman Holiday

Reviewed by: CalGal

July 16, 1999


It's hard to fault a movie with two gorgeous stars, a fairytale romance, and the courage to follow through with the bittersweet ending required to return everyone to reality. So I won't. Fault it, that is.

Truly one of the best romantic comedies ever made. A marvellous sense of place--but then many of the best purely romantic films seem to take place in Italy (Roman Holiday, Summer Time, A Room with a View).

Audrey is glorious--she only came near this level of perfection in one other movie (Breakfast at Tiffany's)--and while I'd quibble over her Oscar worthiness (she robbed Kerr), she was a delight and this film justifiably launched her to stardom.

Peck is believably cynical; more importantly, he's gorgeous. I particularly enjoyed Eddie Albert in one of his higher profile screen appearances; he's always been a better actor than he's been given credit for.

Two things interest me in looking back on this movie:

1) The problems of living as a public figure may have gotten more oppressive in recent times, but they certainly aren't new problems.

2) I don't think anyone is brave enough to make a romantic comedy where they don't get together at the end anymore.