The Thief

Reviewed by: Connie Mack

September 18, 1998


Saw "The Thief" (Russian - "Bop") last night. I dunno -- was allegedly an award-winner, and all these eruditians stood about in the aisles after it was over explaining to one another why they loved it even though they didn't like it. I was into it for the first 45 min. or so, but then it became pedantic and formulaic, derivative, etc. (Kept waiting for Anna Karenina to throw herself in front of a black, frothy-aeried train.) I like pathos. Hell, I like bathos. I can get 'into' a truly wretched display. But this became self-serving and predictable. And ultimately you wondered, "Why-O-Why?"

Did see two very intriguing trailers, though, for "Henry Fool" and a film whose title is a curly rep. of the 'pi' symbol, featuring Sean Gullette as Mad Max Cohen. a mathematician seeking order through chaos via Wall Street and, of all things, Kabbalah texts.