Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Reviewed by: TheDiva

May 21, 1999


Damn, it was loads of fun. I went in not expecting much either....I mean, I really liked the trilogy but never considered myself a fanatic. Mainly I went because Gracie and Sweetie are Star Wars *maniacs*.

Eye candy is right. Gorgeous sets, costumes, overall production design. Tons of closeups of the ever-alluring Liam Neeson and the 'I Wouldn't Kick Him Out Of Bed For Eating Crackers' Ewan Mac/McGregor. The light saber fight scenes nearly had me standing on my seat. You can really see the influence of the rise of the martial arts film in those sequences. Totally, completely and utterly blew away the fight scenes from the first three.

Darth Maul is the best bad guy I have seen in years. You don't see him much, he has barely three lines of dialogue, but DAMN do you hate him!

What's kind of cool is the way Lucas tips his hand a few times WRT know who they *really* are, but it's clear that the other characters don't, and it adds nicely to the dramatic tension.

Oh, and the pod race, the pod race! Yippee! It was sooooo coool!

Yes, yes, yes, the movie brought out the kid in me (like that's hard!) It's a real-life, honest-to-God, Saturday matinee with popcorn type movie and it works. I loved it, and I'm going again.