The Girl Next Door

Reviewed by: Fraaankster

June 3,2000


Okay, okay, okay. So my curiosity piqued when I brought the movie up earlier ( The Girl Next Door ), and I just had to go see it ( It's only playing for a week, and this was my only chance, mind youse guys ). I figured it had to have something going for it since it was being shown at The Ken theatre, a local landmark known for its independent streak of showing films that other local independent avante-garde theatres either seem to lag on or omit completely from their respective play lists. It was as Eric mentioned, a verity Boogie Nights, centering on one adult film actress, Stacy Valentine, and following her life for a span of about two years as an actress in said industry.

Sadly, this film supports and conforms to all the stereotypes I have had about the adult film industry, but more particularly, its actresses, as with Valentine, with all of her distrust, insecurities, and fragileness weighing on her sleeve, or should I say, strap .

It begins with the obligatory baby footage that many of these "documentaries" feel compelled to show , and then segueways into a quick two minute interview on how she started in the industry and why she stayed and decide to pursue it as a career. It should surprise no one that it is the interviews in this film add credibility and are what keep this thing from going under. It is replete with lots of backstage footage, nudity ( nothing graphic, and certainly a lot tamer than what HBO has been known to show ), and lots of quick "filler" interviews from her on-again, off-again boyfriend, film producers and directors, friends, and yes, even her parents.

... On a personal note, I was "shocked", "shocked" I tell ya, to hear in the beginning of the film her rationalization for being in the porn industry," It's the only thing I feel I do well ... others do "blah-blah" well, and I'm really just good at sex ... "

The following, to the best of recollection, is what you'll see in this film in close, but no accurate particular order:

A timeline of sorts with captions, hinging more on events than any particular timeline, i.e. Two months later, Three weeks later in Tulsa...

Stacy walking around nude or without a top on either at her domicile or on a set.

Stacy outgrowing her apartment and moving into a four bedroom house somewhere in the valley.

Stacy walking around nude or without a top on either at her domicile or on a set.

Introduction of a boyfriend ( also an actor in the adult film industry ), with an interview or two as to how they get along, what they think of each other and trust issues.

Stacy walking around nude or without a top on either at her domicile or on a set.

Stacy preparing for an adult industry awards show in Las Vegas after being nominated for five particular awards that year. She yearns for "Perfomer of the Year" and as she put it,Has worked her ass off for it !. Unfortunately, she comes up dry in all five catogories as we are then subjected to watch her take the elevator alone back to her hotel room, and then crying herself to sleep. Stacy walking around nude or without a top on either at her domicile or on a set.

The monthly aids test

Stacy walking around nude or without a top on either at her domicile or on a set.

Stacy trying on some dresses that no longer fit due to her "E" bustline.

The breaking up between her and her boyfriend, and why it had to happen.

Stacy at pre-op, during, and post-op of breast reduction and liposuction.

Stacy walking around nude or without a top on either at her domicile or on a set.

Reuniting with her boyfriend a couple of months(?) later.

Stacy walking around nude or without a top on either at her domicile or on a set.

A candid interview with her mom and stepfather (very amusing).

Stacy walking around nude or without a top on either at her domicile or on a set.

Another surgery. This time it's lip augmentation. She feels her lips are too thin and yearns for that Pamela Anderson look and pout ( On a personal note: What the hell do guys see in Pamela Anderson ? I don't think she's attractive at all! ).

Stacy walking around nude or without a top on either at her domicile or on a set.

Stacy winning an award in Cannes. Is shown going to sleep with it. Stacy walking around nude or without a top on either at her domicile or on a set.

Stacy talking about quitting the industry and moving on into Make-up school

Stacy walking around nude or without a top on either at her domicile or on a set.

Stacy primping herself to go out on a date with a wealthy Frenchman. Is later shown lying on her stomach in her hotel bedroom throwing "C" notes in the air in celebration. Rationalizes why she did it.

Stacy walking around nude or without a top on either at her domicile or on a set.

The obligotory trip back home to Tulsa Oklahoma, and subsequent interview with her best hometown girlfriend. She also shows her friend her newest tatoo located behind her right ear, which was written in Japanese and is supposedly saying ,Don't trust anyone. How sad.

Stacy walking around nude or without a top on either at her domicile or on a set.

Stacey being shown moving out of her four bedroom digs ( I think she's the one leaving ), as her and her boyfriend decide to end it after all...Her boyfriend resembles one of the "journalists" from Comedy Central's Daily Show . Brian-Something-or-other, by the way.

Stacy walking around nude or without a top on either at her domicile or on a set.

A very moving interview with her and her mother alongside one another discussing their relationship and their dependence on one another, ending with each one hugging and crying on one another. This one almost had my tear ducts flowing -- really ... No, really, it really got to me.

Really! This "docu" ends with Stacy alone, staring out a window into the distance ... alone.

I might have left one or two things out, and also exagerated a bit on how often she is seen running around nude ( I'm getting old, okay!? ), but that's basically it. It wasn't worth $7.50, but I thought for the most part that it was done well as far as cheesy documentaries are concerned.

Okay, I've filled my quota for moviegoing for at least three months. Now, what movie is that currently playing which shows a California Special Mustang ( GT-500 maybe ?) hauling ass in its trailers ? That's my next movie planned.