Shallow Hal


November 26, 2001


In deference to my mother's distaste of Harry Potter and witchcraft, something her church has decided is evil, we instead went to see "Shallow Hal" for our holiday movie outing. I had already seen HP, but was thinking it would a be a fine choice. Wrong.

Shallow Hal is a sweet little movie, with emphasis on the word sweet. Hal is only attracted to beautiful women. They all hate him. One day, Tony Robbins, the infomercial guhru, puts a hex on him to only see the inward beauty of women.

He falls in love with Gwyneth Paltrow, lithely played. He sees her as a skinny blonde beauty. The world sees her as fat.

Jason Alexander, the unexplainable slimey friend, tries to set him straight. There is a bit of a "Shrek" like ending. And the only gross-out trick is played on Alexander. MGleason TheBedfordIncident The Bedford Incident November 26, 2001

I saw an old Richard Widmark film, The Bedford Incident, over the weekend, about a determined Cold Warrior hunting for a Russian submarine encroaching on our waters. Very tense, with a bang! of an ending. MGleason OperationCrossbow Operation Crossbow November 26, 2001 Another out-of-the-way selection was Operation Crossbow, about the infiltration of the German rocket works by the British, starring a hunky George Peppard. Not your usual feel-good war flick with unbelievable escapes. Duncan Sandys, Churchill's son-in-law, was one of the characters; he's the man many hold responsible for destroying Britain's aviation program with his insistence that unmanned rockets were the wave of the future.